
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014

This will be my last post of 2013. 
That's probably significant in some way. 
Though I don't know how.

I don't know about you but my year went amazing, maybe I didn't get everything done that I wanted to but I did get some done. I haven't made a long list of things I can't possibly get done in one year alone but I did make a small list that I wanted to share with you. 

1. To edit my both of my books I wrote for NaNo
2. To write two more books, one for NaNo, one thoughout the year
3. To push myself harder on school 
4. To watch a lot less Tv
5. To read 110 books
6. To dream bigger dreams this year then I have before
7. To organize my ideas more effective
8. To make myself a ball gown, just for fun 

Thats only part of my list but its all that I can remember. :D 2013 has been a good year, I'll miss it but I love new years because its like I'm starting with a clean slate with everything. Its so nice.
This year I think the most important events were 1. Our family trip to Washington DC and 2. NaNoWriMo because it really showed me I could make and keep goals.  But the most important thing overall? I think that would have to be discovering questions, no matter how big, are good.
How was your year? Did anything big happen in your life?
See you again next year! :D 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Hello everyone! 
I have a cold right now so I won't be hanging around long and since its Christmas I doubt you will be ether. I just wanted to hop on and tell all of you Merry Chirstmas! So here:

Merry Christmas!!!!!

We celebrated Christmas today, the 24'th. We've never really celabrated it on the same day as everyone else but I guess we're just fun like that. =) What are ya'll up to this Christmas season? My family is taking a break from an all day game of Lone Star Opaly and if your not from here you would not get the importance of that. =) Have a good day! 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Good day.

Hello everyone! I haven't been on for a bit have I? Sorry about that, I've been busy with a live nativity, reading and the ever important just being lazy. :) I'm going to try to get more regular posts, sorry. :) 
All you northerners can be envies if you like because its 70 degrees here in Texas and leafs are still on the trees in some places. :) How about ya'll's weather?
Okay on the the real reason of my post! (I'm a rambler) My top ten books of the year! 

Annabeth's War is my number one favorite book of the year. I wish more authors would write fun adventure storys like this one. 

While the other to books were not nearly as good this book was one of the most funny books I have ever read. :) 

I read this book yesterday and it is SO awesome, if you liked Annabeth's War you will like this, Jessica Greyson never fails to give good and lovable characters and plots. 

Such an awesome book on Jane Austin! I loved the whole thing, it was such a writers book. :)

Sarah's books could never fail to make my favorites, haven't met a plot of hers I didn't like.

This was the first fantasy book I ever read that gave me full hearted enjoyment, I loved it!

Such a fun book, Wren was not a tomboy but she was not a girly girl ether and it made the book so enjoyable. 

Such a fun adventure book, I loved their interaction with each other. :) 

This was a great sequel to Pocahontas, He has the same heart as his mother and the book, while not as good as the first, was great. 

I've read this before but this was the first time i really paid atencen to the details, I loved it!

So there you go, my top ten books for 2013. What do you think? Have you read any of them? What are your favorite books? 


Monday, December 9, 2013


Hello everyone out there! How are all of ya'll today? I'm working on editing The McNeil Adventure's and listening to the soundtrack from How To Train Your Dragon. Editing would be boring on any other book but I'm really loving revisiting Cindy (My main character) I've missed her. :) Also I'm looking over the little bit I've done in The Son of Robin Hood (By the way that's only its working title, I intend to get something cooler latter on.) while I was reading I found a song of Allen A'Dale's that I wanted to share with you, its really more of a rhyme but I hope you enjoy it anyway. :D

Twas a sad day when King Richard died
With not his brother at his side
And in his dying breath he said
John would be king once he was dead
He amazed all the heard
With his shocking dying word
Now Prince John has taken the crown
And rules us all with a frown
Now without our rightful king
It’s not much good to sing
We can only hope someday
That the sky will not be grey
And our king will rule us soon
Then I’ll really have a tune

-Mikayla H-

What do ya'll think? I want some feedback here, ya'll have been like a deaf aduance lately. :) 

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Hello everyone! So in case you didn't hear, the design with Brittany did not work out but Sarah (My oldest sister) made me up this awesome new design. What do you think? The drawing in the banner is one I did and the photos are ones I took, except the one of me, that's complements of Rebekkah. :)