
Monday, March 30, 2015

My life (In as many posts as it takes) #38

Hey everyone, I really want to apologize for my short or unenthusiastic posts, over the past month I've been working hard on writing a book, getting back on track with school, and going to co-op. Next month should be a lot slower so I should be able to spend more time on my posts. Thank you for putting up with me in the meantime!

This was my favorite!! =D


Friday, March 27, 2015

Food For Thought #9

A Time For Everything.

I’ve been reading Ecclesiastes (Man is that a mouth full) this week. Now, Ecclesiastes is not my favorite book of the bible but one part I really love, is chapter 3 verse 1-8.

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:
    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
     a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
     a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
   a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.

Sometimes I find this section sad because to me it symbolizes giving things up. There is a time for friendships to. A time for light school. A time for being part of organizations. A time for waiting.
Ask anyone in my family, they will all tell you I’m about number one on the list of people who hates giving up on something I really loved. But when I get sad about what I’m giving up, I always thing of the other half.
There’s a time for new friendships. A time for adventure. A time of graduation. A time for EVERYTHING.


Monday, March 23, 2015

My Life (In as many posts as it takes) #37

Hey everyone! Its nice to be here today. So, a week ago me, two of my siblings and my dad went to San Antonio to spend the day mearly walking around the river walk. For those of you who haven't been to the River walk in San Antonio is basicly just a man made, thirty feet wide and fifteen feet deep river. They have boats that go on it, and sidewalks that go the full linghth with BEAUTIFUL landscaping the whole way. I don't think I've been to a place better for taking photos then the River Walk. 
So, I hope you enjoy these photos, I sure enjoyed taking them. =D 

Warning: This is a LONG post, probably due to the fact we walked eghit miles there. 

We found this adorable little guy hidding on a tree, isn't he cute? =D

Okay, these are really cool because their concrete made to look like tree trunks. =D Grace took this photo for me, and you can see my Dad and Rebekkah walking in the background. =D

Its so pretty there....

DUCK!!! Okay, so I really like ducks, I'm weird. ;D 

Okay, so I just had to share this because I have a book character named Brooklyn!!! =D

Random balloons outside of a resturant. they were cute. =) 

This building just looked cool.

This is really just because I'm a fan of Emma by Jane Austin! =D

DUCKLING!!! There just so cute... =D

This is another adorable squirrel we saw. He ran up the tree a posed for me, my siblings all call me a disney Princess because pretty much every animal posses for me. ;D

Grace and Rebekkah on a wooden beench made to look like a tree trunk. =) 

And me and Rebekkah. =D

A stone mosacic bench.

Grace, me and Rebekkah with a waterfall. =D

My dad! =D

A bird taking a bath. =D

Texan flag awnings. =D

The river center mall is awesome. =D

This is a store that is full of only purple stuff. Let me tell you it is the most awesome store for me EVER!! =D

Random decoartions at the mall. ;D

Aren't these dragon lamps cool? =D

Very Texan street. =)

The reflection was fun. =)
I always loved the multicolored umbrellas. =) 

Another cool reflection. =D

This tree was completly covered in ivy! =D

Forgive the spot, I had a peice of dirt on the lense and I didn't notice till later. 


Yellow Rose of Texas compas. =D

My dad, he really liked these flowers. =) 

Me and the flowers. =)

This is probably one of my favorite flower photos I've taken. =D

Wow, you made it to the end, congradulations. =D 