
Friday, April 29, 2016

Food For Thought #65


There are lots of different descriptions of confidence out there but yesterday I felt a urge to write my own. This is what self confidence means to me. 

Confidence is the daily decision to be okay with who you are and what you have become. It doesn't mean that you love everything about yourself, or that you don't feel you have room to get better; it is simply a confidence that you do not have to be afraid of others or yourself noticing your faults. It is being comfortable enough with yourself that while you know you faults are bad, you have enough faith in your God to know that he will help you deal with them and you don't have to stress about them. God made you how you are so why not live confident that he didn't make any mistakes and that he loves you just the way you are.

2 Corinthians 3:4-5
Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Writing Wednesday #28


Well, Camp is almost over. I'm really not sure how it managed to fly by as quickly as it did. I have just barely managed to keep up with my goal of never being behind on my goal. Since I don't write on Sunday Saturday nights have been really packed with writing.
On the twenty third I reached my goal of 15,000 and every day since I've been writing like crazy trying to reach the 20,000 I need to finish the book I'm writing. =)
This book has been very unlike any book I have ever written before. This on has both a lot of action, and a family story, which I have never done before.
Mandy, my main character is caught between a family crisis and a work crisis. She has to put time and effort into both. I didn't intend to write such a pull between two aspects of life, but I realized as I wrote it that it was something a lot of us struggle with.

Here's a small clip from the book. I hope you enjoy it!

I walked up the drive and shifted my duffle bag on my shoulder. I hardly felt prepared for seeing my dad again, or my sister, Aubrey, for that matter. I had been away from them so long it seemed like meeting people for the first time and just knowing  their backstory. Aubrey had talked to me as little as possible, and my dad had been too busy to talk much. I hoped that even though the reason for our meeting was rather sad, that this would bring us all back together as a family.

What did you think? Please comment below and tell me!
Have you written any books with an pulls from two different aspects of life?

Monday, April 25, 2016

My Life (In as many posts as it takes) #94

Wondering where the time went. 

Well here we are, its Monday the 25'th (Well, I don't know if it will still be when you read this, but it was when I wrote it.). I'm actually not quite sure how I got so far along in the month. I could have sworn I just started April with high hopes for Camp (more on that on Wednesday), reading and sewing. Now I'm here, almost to the end of the month with a jumble of writing, far fewer books read then I had hoped, a new phone, and a larger pile of sewing projects then I started with. I honestly have no idea how most of that happened. 
I am pretty sure I went through a time warp, but that's just my working theory right now. ;)
When I was twelve, I never got why people thought time went by so quickly. I was always counting down to things, longing for days to come. Then when I was about fourteen I began to wonder how all those people could be so calm when days were rushing by at the speed of a bullet train. 
And now I've reached a happy medium. I no longer wonder so much if days will EVER end, and most of the time (this month being an exception) I ushally don't wonder where my time went.
Reaching happy mediums is a good feeling. 

Luke was so wet and adorable, I had to take a picture. =) 

Does anyone else love rainbows?

Have you felt like time flew, or dragged lately? 
Whats one thing you've reached a happy medium on recently?

Friday, April 22, 2016

Food For Thought #64

Perseverance is sometimes much harder then people make it out to be. They say 'just keep going on', but when your in the middle of doing something hard, persevering is sometimes the hardest thing to think about doing.
There are a lot of things in my life that need a higher level of perseverance right now, so I've been thinking about it a lot.
I need perseverance for biking (hills especially). I need it for writing (hoping to persevere though 2,000 words today). I need it for school (Enough said on that one). I need it for sewing (especially frustrating projects) and I need it for friendships.
I need perseverance every day of my life, and I am grateful to have a Father in Heaven that is there for me, every moment of my life, helping me to press on.
Philippians 3:14
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
What's one way you've really had to persevere today?

Monday, April 18, 2016

My Life (In as many posts as it takes) #93

Rain, Rain, and a bit more rain. 

It started raining Saturday night and hasn't stopped since. So yeah, my world is very wet and that means finding more projects to do inside. I decided that I'm going to take advantage of this time to sew and read. Especially since I've got a stack of books to read on my desk and a pile of sewing projects on my bed. So yeah, that's what my weeks going to consist of. 
I almost forgot to tell you! On Saturday I got this super awesome thing called an Alpha Smart! (If you've never seen one, there's a (blurry) picture of one on my Instagram account here. So far I am loving it! All you can do on it is write, and its super easy to take around with me, so I've been taking it around and writing whenever I have free time. Its been helping my CampNaNo word count a lot! 

What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? 
Whats your favorite way to write?

Friday, April 15, 2016

Food For Thought #63

Greater Love

In John 15:13 it says "There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

I have always loved this verse because to me it made such a perfect picture of what a friend should be. I should be willing to lay down my life everyday for my friends, no matter what. 
A couple days ago I couldn't sleep so I decided to read some and I just flipped open my Bible and it landed on this passage. I really felt like God was leading me to this that night. 
I really felt God telling me something and I wanting to share it with you. 

This passage isn't just about dying for a friend, though that certainly is a big part of it. We should be so dedicated to showing God's love to our friends that we should not only be willing to die for them, but we should be willing to lay down our life. Lay down our time. Lay down our wants. Lay down our money. Lay down our comfort. We are supposed to lay down our lives for our friends, because thats what God did for us. 

Whats something goes shown you this week? 

If you haven't seen my Q&A video, you can see it, here

Please note that all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007.

Monday, April 11, 2016

My Life (In as many posts as it takes) #92

Q&A video.

After 68 questions, sketching out answers, one re-filming, a tediously slow upload, and a little nervousness, I am proud to present my Q&A video. 
Yep, twenty minutes of me in front of a camera. The camera chopped it into two pieces, and I'm sorry about that. It cut me off mid-sentence, but hopefully it will be okay anyway!
Also I couldn't fit them in this post, so I just had to upload them to youtube, so heres the link! 

There you go. Hopefully satisfying answers to all your questions! But, like I said in the video, if you have any more questions, please comment them below! 

Thank you so much for making this video possible! Y'all are awesome!