
Friday, April 28, 2017

Yet I Still Belong To You

Hey guys! I've been reading in Psalms lately, so here are some awesome verses I found: 

Psalm 73

Verse 16-17
So I tried to understand why the wicked prosper.
But what a difficult task it is!
Then I went into your sanctuary, O God,
and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked.

Verse 21-23
Then I realized that my heart was bitter,
and I was all torn up inside.
I was so foolish and ignorant—
I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.
Yet I still belong to you;
you hold my right hand.

(This one is a new favorite.)

Verse 26
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
he is mine forever.

Verse 28
How good it is to be near God!
I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter,
and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.

And I said, “This is my fate;
the Most High has turned his hand against me.”
But then I recall all you have done, O Lord;
I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.

These verses are so amazing. I love Pslams, what about y'all? 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Deliver || A Book Review

Hello everyone! I had the pleasure of reviewing Deliver by Tricia Mingerink, and I was hoping to share that with y'all!

Just so you know, this is the last book in the Blades of Acktar series, so there may be minor spoilers for those of you who have not read the other books.

The back cover: 

Can something broken ever heal?

Martyn is broken. After torturing his best friend, he doesn’t belong anywhere in Acktar. No matter how far he runs, he can’t lose his guilt.

Leith is broken. While healing from the torture he received at Nalgar Castle, he struggles to find his new role. But can a Blade ever run from his past?

The country is broken. Bitterness divides town against town, neighbor against neighbor. What will it take to deliver Acktar from itself?

They face their hardest battle yet.

My review: 

First off, I loved one of the main points of this book; can they learn to be at peace, when all they've ever known is war? 
This book leaves right off where the last book stooped, but from Martyn's perspective. I was interested to see his view on things, so I was pulled into the story pretty quickly. I was very happy to see Leith's story continue, even though this one was a bit more focused on Martyn's side of the story. 

Leith's story was very satisfying. I really enjoyed knowing that not all his problems were fixed. People still distrust him, there are still problems. But there was so much healing, to. And the very ending was awesome; I couldn't have asked for better. I can't really say any more without giving stuff away, but I really really loved his side of the story and how true he was to his beliefs. 

Martyn. Where do I even start with him. His backstory was interesting, and I really loved learning it. I think the author did a very good job of making him a very different character then Leith, which was nice. But I didn't like Martyn as much as Leith. Martyn was coarser, and had less inclinations towards good. Of course that is part of what made him interesting. I loved the portrayal of his struggle, I really felt for him sometimes. 

My one complaint was actually about Martyn. Due to not being as good as Leith, he had a couple comments on propriety, and when he wakes up without a shirt on, that I didn't appreciate. This author did handle it pretty well, I just didn't really like the teasing. 

Overall this was a very good end to the series. I am sad to see the character go, but I am happy seeing how their story turned out. 

*I received this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the Author:


Tricia Mingerink is a twenty-something, book-loving, horse-riding country girl. She lives in Michigan with her family and their pack of pets. When she isn’t writing, she can be found pursuing backwoods adventures across the country.

You can connect with her on Facebook, Pinterest, Goodreads, Twitter, Instagram, and her blog.

You can find the book on Goodreads and Amazon

Monday, April 24, 2017

Sick Over the Weekend || Trip in One Week

Well guys, this week went nothing like I had planned. I didn’t get much of anything done, and I got sick. Stomach bugs are not fun, just in case anyone is wondering. Though it did mean I got to watch a series that I’ve been wanting to see! That was fun. So, at the moment I am still working on my Camp story, trying to get it done really fast because one week from today, I leave for Colarado! Part of my family is going up to spend a week in Estes Park. It’s been ten years since I’ve been there, so I am super excited!! Even though I’ll be gone though, I’ve got posts scheduled out and I’ll be able to respond to comments. 

Are any of ya’ll going on trips soon? 
What is your favorite trip you’ve been on? 

Friday, April 21, 2017

How Is It?

How is it 

That I can hate something 

And love it at the same time? 

 Storms are terrifying 

Yet they awaken something 

Deep inside of me 

That nothing else does

Darkness provides so many 

Scary possibilities 

But that’s also where

My soul finds peace 

Heights are breathtaking 

Yet somehow they make me 

Want to be more adventurous 

How is that? 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Video with Jessica

Jessica, me and Julia. 


This is Jessica holding Annie (Though I liked to call the goat Rebel)

Julia, Rebekkah, Jessica and I.

Last month I had the pleasure of spending a week with two of my best friends. I got to spend a week with them at their home in January, but having them here in my house was amazing. We got to do a lot together, like getting lost at the capitol, playing laser tag, and watched a sick baby goat (We thought it was going to die, but it was a little rebel and lived! ;) ), we even got to do a photo shoot. 

When we were all dressed up for our photo shoot I was like "Hey Jess, could we make a video for my blog?" Being the great friend she is, she said yes. So the four of us marched into the woods, armed with a tripod, camera, and a whole lot of questions. We had to come up with the whole thing as we did it. After eleven takes, we ended up with enough material for our video. So here ya go, I hope y'all enjoy! (Prepare for a lot of awkwardness with us. We were not gifted with looking amazing on film. Though I think Jess did better then me.)

I'm sorry it's small, but you should be able to hit the button in the bottom right corner to make it full screen. 

While in the editing of the film I realized that we met in person in 2015, not 14. Thats one date debate we didn't have! ;) 

What did y'all think? Isn't Jessica awesome?? 
If you've got any questions drop them below, I would love to hear them!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

He Is Here

Photo courtesy of
Christ died, giving up everything to come here and teach us how to live. He came to show us how much He was willing to go though for us. That He was even willing to go though a death far worse then any of ours will ever be because it wasn't just Him dying, He was taking the punishment for our sin with Him. Letting it separate Him from His father temporarily so that you and I could be with Him eternally. 

Then He rose from the grave, conquering death for all of us. When His followers came to the tomb that day, an angle told them "He is not here, He has resin!" 

The power those words hold is just incredible. God broke the chains of death, coming out of the grave so that we could be with Him. 

Then He sent His spirit to fill us so we could have a relationship with Him. 

I think one of the most amazing things about Easter for me is being able to know two that He is not in the grave anymore, He has resin. But He is here, in my soul, and He is never leaving.

He came because of His never failing, never ending, perfect love.

He is alive, and He is here.

Friday, April 14, 2017

What Darkness Holds

A little something I wrote the other night at 11:00 after everyone had gone to bed.

The darkness holds
So many unknowns
 Some of them are terrifying
For that’s where monsters are
Storms rage
And battles are fought
But that’s also where
Moonlight shines down
Fireflies flicker
Cricket’s chirp
Stars cover the sky
The galaxy reveals itself
Peace is found
Rest is taken
And all around
Even if there are monsters
They are nothing compared
To the majesty God provided
And the simple delights
He provided for us
So maybe the darkness holds
Our greatest treasures

Monday, April 10, 2017

Story's That Won't Behave

Hello everyone! Well, as most of y'all know, CampNaNo is going on right now. Usually I have no problem and I fly though it super fast. Not this year. I've changed story's twice, because the first two times I got very stuck in my story's. Now I'm writing a story I've only been planning for *cough* a little over a week. But, its going alright so far, so that's awesome. But it is rather annoying to have two story's that I really want to write, but I just cannot seem to get into.

I'm also having some trouble getting things done in a timely manner. Which is not really a huge problem, its just annoying when I sit down to do something, and then I have no idea where the time goes. Please tell me someone else has this problem. 

Well, I'm off to (try to) write some more. 

How is your writing going? 
What's your best tip for getting things done fast?

Friday, April 7, 2017

What if I'm Tired

This is where I was a month ago, but I find myself back here so many times. I thought I'd share it with ya'll.

What if 
I’m tired 
Tired of the struggle
Tired of the fight 
Tired of all the wars 
Raging inside 
Tired of my failures 
Tired of my faults 
Tired of all the unanswered 
Questions inside my heart
Do I even need to fight this? 
Is it really real? 
Am I being over dramatic? 
Or do I need all of this? 
I am tired of the questions 
Tired of myself 
Tired of wondering if today
Might be the day 
It all comes clear 
I know there is an answer 
Out there 
But I haven’t reached it yet 
God hasn’t put it in 
His perfect plan 
For me to know yet 
The worst part of it is 
I no longer know 
Weather I’m not
Doing something wrong 
Or if God is withholding something 
For His perfect plan
I’m too tired for the fight 
I have to take a rest 
Maybe my dreams 
Will let me break away 
From the fight
I fight all day

Monday, April 3, 2017

March Highlights

Hello everyone! 

Received Meraki box. Read more about that here.

I got my contact page up. Finally. It took me a ton of google searches and try's to finally get that contact box in the page. And a friend made the blog even better by getting rid of that annoying arrow that's been in the top left corner of the screen for months.

I got red galoshes. Yes, this was important. They are awesome. ;)

My friends Jessica and Julia came to see me for a whole week. That was super awesome. I'll tell more about that later.

My best friend Lauren came back after a long trip! Yicks it hard to go without besties for months. =/

My sisters and I had a girls day and went ice skating. The picture above is my super graceful ice skating. ;D I had a ton of fun, and actually managed to get away from the wall! As you can see though, I was not super good at keeping my balance without sticking my arms out. 

My bike broke down for the first time on a ride. Thankfully my dad came to the rescue and picked me up. *Cue superhero music*

Hiked River Place Nature trail again. This time we took some different paths!!

Mansfeild park, Never, and The Cat of Bubastes were all rereads, but other then that my favorite book was kinda a tie between Hazardous Duty and The Bronze Bow. They were both awesome for different reasons. 

Gold A Purpose and a Promise 
(This was the best blog post I've read in months)

Its Okay To Be Okay Twilight to Dawn

Best Stock Photo Sites Whimsical Writings For His Glory 

(I can't link every single amazing post  from them this month. (But 3AM by them is pretty amazing to) Just trust me, go check out their site, it's awesome.)

So, how was your March?