
Monday, July 31, 2017

Video with Mikayla L.

Hello everyone! Happy last day of July. If anyone has an idea where the month went, please comment and tell me. ;) Well, I did a ton this month, which I will tell ya'll all about next Monday in my highlights. But back in May I had the pleasure of meeting with my friend Mikayla L. and we made a video to introduce you to her, and to tell y'all how we met! I wanted to share that with y'all, so the link in below!

All the pictures with water in them are from a friends house on the Texas bay that we had the pleasure of staying in overnight in. That sunset was so gorgeous, I had to take pictures, even though I cringed pointing my camera at the sun. 

How has your week been? 

Friday, July 28, 2017

A Perfect Ballance

Ether they say 
Their life’s are perfect 
Or they say 
Their life is a wreck 
My heart envy’s one
And breaks for another 
I have an amazing life 
But I know I am one 
Broken before my God 
Do I make people jealous 
Of things I don’t even have? 
Do I tell them my life is perfect? 
Do I make them feel bad 
That their lives are so good? 
I sit here 
Unable to find a balance 
And I have to wonder 
What if we were honest?
Doesn’t God want us 
To share both good and bad? 
Shouldn’t we tell people 
Both our success and failures? 
What has happened to us 
That we think we have to lie? 
Why do we believe 
That we have to make our lives 
Into an extreme? 
And I sit here 
Unable to find a balance 
And I wonder 
What if we were honest? 
Would we change the world? 

Just something I was thinking about today. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Q and A || Finally Got My Permit

Well, I've got exciting news on several things. First off, I got my drivers permit today! Last week I said I working on it, and today my mom took me in and we actually got it! I have a printed one right now, but my card will be here soon! My picture actually came out well, which I was happy about. 

And second (And my favorite) is that I am going to be doing a question and answer video with my dear friend Micaiah from Adventures Beyond the Horizon! We are going to be meeting up next month, and we thought it would be awesome to do a video together.
So have you ever wanted to know how we became friends? What about our favorite movie to watch together? What about which friend has more books? What kind of pizza we like? It doesn't matter how silly or serious it is, we'd love some questions! You can comment on this post, or on hers when it goes up and we will answer them all in our video! Or if you don't want to comment, you can always use the contact box in my tab labeled "Let's Talk"

*All questions must be submitted by August 14'th

If you would just take a moment to comment with a question, or two, that would be awesome! I hope y'all have an amazing day!

Friday, July 21, 2017

It Was Going to be her Wedding Day

Tomorrow was supposed to be her wedding
Not just anyone's wedding 
But my sisters 
The dresses were ready 
The room packed up 
The church booked
A ring was on her hand 
And a pastor was ready

But in a fatal conversation 
It all came crashing down
And the ring came off her finger 
And her heart was broken

The dressed boxed up 
The room put back to rights 
Cancellations sent out 
Telling people over and over 
We can't give more details 

But through it all my dear sister 
Stood up stronger than before
And the wedding that was to be tomorrow 
 Will be a symbol of her strength 
I couldn't be more proud of her today 
Because she chooses to face tomorrow 
With God's strength and not her own 

True story. I'm so proud of my sister with how she handled this whole thing. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Permits, Planes, and Preperation

I hope y'all are enjoying a relaxing summer! I feel like my life is going twice as fast right now, which explains why I am writing this at eleven at night when I should have been doing it this morning and I'm writing it on the seventeenth of July. Seriously, it was just the beginning of July about two days ago. I'm sure it was. 

Well, we are here at the seventeenth. My family has had three birthday's this month, including my own. I've managed to barely limp along with CampNaNo, but I'm running out of plot, so I'm beginning to get into trouble. I've taken seven hours of testing, and tomorrow I get my drivers learners permit. We are rushing to get my permit because I booked a trip to see one of my friends next month, and I will need an ID to get on the plane. This will be my first time meeting the friend, and my first time on a plane, so I am super excited. I'm now trying to fit in a lot of stuff before I leave, and preparing my packing list so I can make sure I don't forget anything!

Also on a super, super random note, this is post number 444. I thought that was pretty fun!

So, I could use some advice, since this is my first time on a plane. Would you comment with your top pieces of advice for flying? Also what is the one thing you wish you had taken on your last trip, but forgot? 

I hope you have a fantastic day!

Friday, July 14, 2017


Tears from the inside out

That never should have been said 

That never should have been done 

Makes me want to scream

I can’t take it anymore 

I need it tonight 

Is all I have to turn too

Is just what God is 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Recommendations From My Week

My cat, Inkling
Rebekkah. <3


Me at a battlefield memorial 

Hey guys! I thought I'd share a couple recommendations from my week!

Music: Crystal Clear by David Dunn

You Tube: Willow City

Book: Dandelion Dust by Faith Potts