
Monday, January 28, 2019

You Probably Never Knew

I had another post planned for today, but a dear old friend of mine died, and so this is about him. He had been a friend of the family's since we moved to this house twenty years ago. 

Every Wednesday this summer 
You wanted me to sit with you 
and tell you how I was doing 
You wanted to know about my family 
You probably never knew 
How much that meant to me

Every Wednesday
You would tell me how much 
You loved my blog posts
Every week
You probably never knew 
How much that meant to me 

Every Wednesday 
We would sit together 
And sometimes we'd laugh 
About stories of my family 
And how you watched us grow up 
You probably never knew 
How much that meant to me

Every Wednesday 
You would give me a hug 
And tell me you were glad I came
And that you missed me at your church 
You probably never knew 
How much that meant to me 

Every Wednesday 
Quickly became a favorite 
Because I got to spend it 
With you 
And I never told you 
How much that meant to me 

Every Wednesday 
From now till forever 
You get to spend with 
the One you loved best 
And I hope He tells you 
Just how much you really meant 
To all of us down here 

Every Wednesday 
I'm going to think of you  
And the time we had together 
And how you always cared about my life
I can't wait to see you again 
So that I can finally tell you 
Just how much you meant to me 

Till we meet again, Mr. Emmons. I'm glad you're home. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Livy Without You || Giveaway

Hello everyone! Today I'm doing a review for Live Without You by Sarah Grace Grzy

Here's what it's about: 

Piper Redding is a loner, but lonely. Everyone she loves has abandoned her and opening her heart to others is just asking for more pain. She can’t help but blame herself for her brother’s tragic death six years ago, and in her guilt, she shuts herself off from the world. No one could love her—not even the God who promised to be there for her but wasn’t.                                                                                                                                                                        For paramedic Ezra Bryant, failure is not an option. He’s had enough of it, and only by God’s grace is he able to put it behind him. But when a traumatic event brings Piper’s greatest fear and Ezra’s failures to light, can they use that event to allow God to mend their broken pieces? Can love triumph over fear, and grace over guilt?
My Review:
I was so blessed to be both a beta reader and an advanced reader for this beautiful little book. I have rarely read a book that I fell in love with so much the first time I read it. 

The first thing that really struck me about this book was how real the characters felt. They had faults and good attributes, things that they didn't like about themselves and it all worked together beautifully for the plot. The thing that made this book as good as it was, was the message. It had a powerful message woven into the pages, so strong that if you took it away, the book wouldn't make sense. That's my favorite kind of message. I was rooting for the characters at every step. 
And goodness, that plot twist. O.o I did not see that coming at all. 

My only small complaints were that 1. The characters full names were repeated a lot, which got a tad annoying. 2. There was some pretty big run on sentences that got a tiny bit confusing. 
Overall, this book was amazing. I recommend it to anyone looking of an encouraging message that will leave them wanting to give their life over more fully to God. 

About Sarah Grace Grzy:

Sarah Grace Grzy is a voracious reader, and if it weren’t for this crazy thing called 'Life,' she’d be tempted to spend all her days in front of a wood stove, book in one hand, coffee mug in the other. 
A lover of learning, she finds enjoyment in many things and has more hobbies than she knows what to do with. Sarah Grace is a freelance web and graphic designer, and when not working, spending time with her ever-growing family, or reading, she can be found painting, playing the piano, or fangirling with her sisters and friends. She inhabits the State of Great Lakes, and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else—unless it meant she could have a baby penguin, in which case, she’d gladly move to the South Pole.

Find her author profile on Goodreads || Personal Goodreads || Newsletter || Twitter || Instagram

Giveaway Information: 

Grand Prize ~ $20 Amazon gift card, Signed Paperback of Live Without You, Specialty designed mug. 
Second Prize ~ $5 Amazon gift card, ebook copy of Live Without You

3 Third Prize Winners ~ Ebook copy of Live Without You

Grand prize open to US entrants only, 2nd and 3rd prizes available internationally. Giveaway runs from 12AM 1.21.19 - 12AM 2.23.19. Victoria Lynn Designs retains the right to disregard any entries that they deem bogus or spam. Good luck to the entrants!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Couldn't Ask For Better

This is for a dear friend.

Working all day 
Studying all night 
Gotta make good grades 

Coming home to little sis 
Watching her grow so fast 
Being the best sister possible 

Stepping out and making friends 
When it's easier to stay alone 
Knowing connections are worth it 
Priorities in line 

Taking the time in a busy day 
Calling friends just to say hi 
Making time for them 

Listening to God's call 
Following His word 
Putting Him first 

I couldn't ask for a better friend than you, girl. Happy 20'th birthday!!

Monday, January 14, 2019

20 Questions About Books

I've been trying to do fewer tags, but the lovely Kate tagged me for this, and it had some fun questions. =) 

1. How many books are too many in a series?
I typically get tired of a series after about five to six books. It depends on how interested I am. After six books, I am definitely ready for some things to be wrapped up.

2. How do you feel about cliffhangers?
While they can be rather frustrating as a reader, I like them. It makes me anticipate the next book (or chapter) more. 

3. Hardback or paperback?
Paperback. Hardbacks are pretty, but they are way to hard to hold. I much prefer light paperbacks! 

4. Favorite book?
1. Timothy and Dear Mr. Knightly by Katherine Reay. <3 

5. Least favorite book?
Ehh, I don't really keep track of things like that.

6. Love Triangle… yes or no?
Not generally, since it's normally not done well, but I won't turn down a book just cause it's got one in it. 

7. The most recent book you couldn’t finish?
Home Fires of the Great War by Rebekah Morris, but that was because my Kindle Unlimited subscription ran out. I was also slightly bored. *shrugs*

8. A book you’re currently reading?
Your Best Year Ever, and The Lion The Witch, and the Wardrobe. *Grins* 

9. The last book you recommended to someone?
I think it was Kiera by Kate Willis.

10. Oldest book you’ve read (based on publication date)?
The Plymouth Plantation from 1651. A tad on the boring side but packed full of information!

11. Newest book you’ve read (based on publication date)?
Live Without You by Sarah Grace Grzy

12. Favorite author?
Jessica Grayson and Sarah Holman.

13. Buying books or borrowing them?
I like borrowing books first, making sure I like them and then buying them. 

14. A book you dislike that everyone else loves?
A Time to Die by Nadine Brandes.

15. Bookmarks or dog-ears?
Bookmarks. I've got a bucketload of bookmarks and I love them all. Dogeared pages really bug me...

16. A book you can reread over and over?
Dear Mr. Knightly and Annabeths War. *Happy sigh*

17. Can you read while listening to music?
I can but I prefer not to. 

18. Multiple POVs or one POV?
I much prefer to read only one and first person is my favorite. I don't mind two perspectives, but any more then that and it starts getting a little much for me. 

19. Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days on average?
Depends on the book. I used to read a ton of books in one sitting, but now I do it over a few days, and its fine with me that way. I have more time to relish the book. =) 

20. Who do you tag?
Anyone who wants to. (Seriously though, I don't know many people who still do tags)

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Where There was Darkness

I wrote this for a friend a while ago.

What was broken 
Is mending 
Where there was darkness
There is light 
Pouring in 
Over everything 
We used to think 
we were broken 
Without hope of being 
Put back together 
We thought we were too far 
Way too far gone 
But maybe after all 
Those cracks 
Were to let the light in 
And all the broken places 
Were to show me 
God’s perfection 
And His love 
In lifting us out 
Of the darkness 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Top 10 Books of 2018

Happy new year, everyone!! These are my top 10 books of the year. I'm not great at mini-reviews, but hopefully, this will still be good. =) 



The Elusive Miss Ellison by Carolyn Miller 

An extremely well-done Regency book. My favorite part is that it's aimed for Christians, so the theme is about problems we face being Christians, not about becoming one. Also, the romance was the sweetest!


Live Without You by Sarah Grace Grzybowski 

This book was the most refreshing books I've read in a long time. The strong themes, great characters, and amazing romance were amazing. (This will be releasing later this month!)



Beautiful Blue World by Suzanne LaFleur

This book made me want to laugh, cry, and learn how to be a better friend. It was intense and super deep. I related to the main character so much, it's hard to properly put into words this book. 



Before Amen by Max Lucado 

While this book didn't tell me a lot I didn't know, it refreshed a lot and made it clearer. This made me see the reason behind prayers better then I had before.



A Name Unknown by Roseanna M. White 

This book was incredible. I have rarely ever read a book with such vivid character, or ones I loved so much. The themes were great, and I didn't want it to end! 



Kate's Conundrum by Sarah Holman 

These characters were the best and seriously, this book tackled some pretty big issues. This series is one of my favorites. <3 



Bitter Winter by Jaye L. Knight

This series is so incredible, and this book was no exception. The characters in here and the powerful themes just blew me away. 



The Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas

This book was one of the most powerful ones I read this year. It digs to the core of why we believe, and just how far we are willing to go for our faith. I was challenged in my walk with God by this book. 



Kiera by Kate Willis

I don't even know what to say about this book. It seems impossible to sum up. It was powerful and heartwarming, and heartbreaking all at the same time. I wish I could have given it more stars. 



Christy by Catherine Marshall 

This was the most incredible book I have read all year. It was perspective changing and convicting. It made me laugh, and want to cry. I wouldn't recommend this to readers under fifteen. 

So there you have it, my top 10 of the 132 books that I read last year! Have you read any of these books? What were some of your favorite books from 2018?