
Friday, October 30, 2015

Food For Thought #40

About Fear 

If you had met me one year and a month ago and asked me if you could call me, I would have adamantly told you that I hated phones and I hadn't talked on one for about seven years. In other words “No way!” That's changed though, because I had a friend who, one year ago this week, called me. I was shaking so hard with fear for the first five minutes of our conversation I had to sit down. I was so scared of facing a thing that I had not touched for most of my life. The signal was bad, we kept cracking up, but I had so much fun because it was the first time I had ever heard my friends voice and we had known each other a year. Over the past year I have talked on the phone about an hour a week. Now, I am still not great on the phone, not at all! I still get butterflies in my stomach just calling someone, but I still have pushed through it.

Fear almost always represents itself in distorted ways. I had convinced myself that I just had a general hate for phones for no particular reason. But the truth was, I was afraid. Afraid of sounding stupid, afraid of people teasing me and of doing something wrong. In the end, none of this ended up happening, but it was the fear of the imaginary consequences that I had conjured up in my head that I stayed off the phone for half my life. Fear kept me from taking a really simple step. Not every one of my phone conversations has been perfect, and I have said some stupid stuff, but the joy I get from being able to talk to some friends I might otherwise only email occasionally has been so great I wouldn't give it up for anything. 

Fear sometimes keeps us from doing things that really aren't that scary once we actually do them. Don't let fear win today.

What’s one fear you have overcome?


  1. You are an amazing young lady!

  2. I am exactly the same way! For years, I have hated talking to people on the phone, and dreaded the moment the phone was passed to me, especially when I had to tell them what I wanted for Christmas. I am always afraid of sounding dumb. :( Thank you for writing this post, because now I know I'm not alone!

    1. I'm glad to know I'm not alone as well. Thank you so much for commenting!

  3. Yaah! Wow, I can't believe it has been a year! I love you so much, Mikayla the Amazing. <3

    1. Yeah, it just doesn't seem to have been that long! Thank you so much for helping me overcome that, Jessica!

  4. I know it might seem strange, but I HATED phones for years, ever since I was 5. I mistook a telemarketer for my uncle and started telling him everything about something I'd just made that was the biggest thing in my life at that moment. "Um, can I speak with your dad, please?"
    I froze.
    It wasn't until I had to answer the phone at work that I really got beyond that. And I still haven't gotten beyond the feelings that threaten each time I hear the "evil ring."
    Sometimes beating fear requires just jumping past it before it has a chance to build. I have to grab the phone before I have a chance to think. Easier said than done - you are courageous. And I am glad to know you!

    1. I'm glad to know I'm not alone! I know part of my problem rooted from one time I was talking to my dad and I said something that everyone laughed at and at that time I dreaded being laughed at more than anything so I stopped talking on the phone so I wouldn't be laughed at.
      Thank you! I'm glad to know you to!


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