
Monday, August 22, 2016

Destination: Dallas Texas

Okay, so I am still trying to catch my breath after this last month. My brain is still stuck in July. I’m behind on telling y’all a lot that happened. My highlight post gave you a pretty good idea, but I wanted to give you an in-depth about our trip to Dallas at the beginning of the month.

This was what I started my morning with:

One of our main reasons for going was to visit our grandparents. And as we drove up my brother and I watched Inside Out. 

This picture just makes me marvel at the fact that they had Joy be sad. 

Moving on. We went and spent the whole day at our grandparents house, then went to the house we rented for the weekend.

Photobomb provided by Sarah. ;)

The house had wifi so I had a lot of fun listening to music online and writing.  

Sunset at the house.

The next day we got up and met my aunt for lunch, then we went to the Biblical Art Museum. You weren’t allowed to take photos of anything except two pieces of art, but they happened to be the two I loved most. But unfortunately I missed uploading the photos of the other one, so you just get photos of this one.

This was the most amazing piece of art I have ever seen. When your standing in front of it, its even more incredible, belive me. David was the most moving part of it for me, though there are a lot of figures in the painting. If you ever go to Dallas Texas, you should check it out!  

Then we rode the trolley and saw some cool stuff. 

The next day we went to the Fort Worth Gardens, they are amazing. Now for a nice flood of photos, because I love it there!

I'm have a lot more flower photos to show y'all, but since they can't all fit in this post, they'll just have to wait for another time.

What have you been up to?

(A comment was accidentally deleted from this post without seeing who posted it. I'm really sorry. So if you commented earlier and don't see it up, please re-post your comment! Again, I am SUPER sorry!)


  1. Wow, that looks like a lot of fun! Gorgeous photos!

  2. Wow, those photos are beautiful! :D

  3. It sounds like you had fun! I've only been to Texas twice. :)

    1. Thank you! That's awesome! Did you like Texas? =)

    2. Honestly, no not specifically. But I was also young and the only reason we were going is that my mom's dad (I never really knew him) was really sick and about to die. Then we got stuck there because there were no flights to leave so yeah...I was probably 11. Then we lived there for a little while when I was like 2 but I got depressed. Haha! I'm glad you like Texas though!

    3. Thats okay! I can totally see under those circumstances why you would not like Texas much.
      I hope where you are is a better fit for you now. =)

  4. I've always wanted to go to Dallas. It sounds awesome! :) I love your flower pictures! And the big building pictures! :)

    1. Dallas is awesome! I hope you get the chance to come and visit soon!
      Thank you!! =D

  5. I love the sunrises and sunsets. Sound like you had a lot of fun!

    With love and all joy,
    Allie D.

    1. Thanks! I had a lot of fun! Sunrises and sunsets are awesome. =)

  6. I seriously tried to comment on this a few days ago and then my phone wouldn't let me, so... WHY?! Anyways! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun on your trip! :D And those gardens look nice! We once went to Japanese gardens in Seattle, where we bought a little cherry blossom bonsai tree growing kit. (WOAH. Got that?! ;)) And that was two years ago now. (My siblings just decided to start growing the tree... LOL)

    1. Ahh! Thats so annoying! =P Thanks for coming back! =)

      It was awesome! Oh, that sounds cool! Haha, I'm glad you finally got to start growing it! =D
      Thanks for stopping by!


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