
Monday, November 6, 2017

October Highlights

October was great! I didn't get much done, but I sure did have fun!

I was home alone one morning for about thirty minutes, so I had a amazing dance party. My cat was bouncing off the walls, so I assumed he felt the excitement. When I saw my family coming up the driveway I rolled out my workout equipment and my cat curled up on the couch like he had been asleep for hours. He's my little partner in crime. ;)

My dog caught a mouse. He was extremely proud of himself. ;)

I think I broke the sky! (Or my screen protector, one of the two.)
Every Sunday me and my siblings play ultimate freebie with a bunch of young adults about an hour from our house. I am a rotten player, but hanging out with these people is worth it. I had two days this month were I pretty much missed every pass, and throw and one day where I actually did amazingly well. That was awesome.

My mom took me to the zoo! It was pretty awesome. We did more talking then looking at the animals. 

I finally successfully downsized shirt!! I've been trying for awhile but this month I finally downsized one and you can barley tell I've touched it!

I got really excited for fall, so I decorated my desk for it. My mom bought me mini pumpkins and leaf sprigs, and I painted some rocks with fall designs. Fall comes pretty late here in Texas, so I'll probably get to keep my decoration's up till Christmas decorations take their place.

He fell asleep in the box of paper while I was wrapping up a present.

Playing around with a broken screen protector

We had a girls day!! We went shopping, and just hung out. It was pretty awesome having everyone off of their work and projects! 

I dropped my phone on a rocky road and stepped on it. Thankfully only my screen protector was broken, and I have now been happily grabbing pictures with it since. ;)

After months of editing with the help of Pandora, hammocks, sweet tea, and awesome friends, I finished my first edit of Flight From Kelar!! I've still got to get edits/feedback from some friends before its really as good as I want it to be, but at least the first major overhaul is done!

Favorite book: Dylan's Story and Suit and Suitability. *Happy sigh* 

18 Lists Letters to Jayna

Just Think About it Burning Youth

October Wrap Up Audrey Caylin 

Don't Walk Away Twilight to Dawn

Be Overwhelmed by God A Purpose and a Promise 

It's kind of a Sequel Adventures Beyond the Horizon

10 Ways and How I Write a Blog Post The left handed typist 

8 Places to Visit this Fall and Stop Dreaming. Start Doing Autumns Readings and writings

It was a pretty good month! What about y'all?


  1. I really haven't been to your blog before, but I plan on coming back. :) This was a fun post. It sounds like October was a good month for you. I can't remember all of mine. It was too long ago. ;)

    1. Thanks! It was a very good month. Haha, yeah, sometimes months are like that. I remember all of November so far. NaNo always makes it seem WAY longer then normal. ;D
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I loved this post! Your cat is Adorable... I love kitties! And the fact that he is your "partner is crime" is too cute. I actually really like that second shattered screen picture, and fall is thr best!
    Blessings in Christ,
    Bri from

    1. Aww, thank you! I love Inkling. Haha, yeah, he helps me out. ;D Thank you!!


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