
Friday, July 27, 2018


This is esentally an acompanment poem to Tuesday's post.

Tonight I’m tired 
I’m tired of being tired
I’m tired of a dream 
That I never thought I would be 
I love making words flow 
I love doing this 
But I didn’t realize it meant this 
The light night exhaustion
The days of giving up things 
The pushing through the haze 
This is not what I thought it would be 
But somehow I love it anyway 
I am tired of chasing my dream 
But even through the exhaustion
I feel the joy of the journey welling inside of me 
I get to chaise my dream 
I have the privilege  
To chaise my dream 
I get to work late at night 
I get to choose what I do 
God helps me push through the haze 
God gave me this crazy dream 
And now He’s helping me chaise it 
Sometimes it’s not 
The dream I thought it would be 
This is the part where dreams 
Meet the pavement 
But I’m not stopping 
Oh not tonight 
I’ve got a dream 
And I’m chasing it 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Where Dreams Meet the Pavement

My Monday posts have kind of morphed into Tuesday posts. I wish I could say this was on purpose, but this mainly has to do with my crazy schedule. 

This month has been mainly filled with Camp NaNoWriMo. My goal is to edit my novel, Flight from Kelar. This is turning out to be a much more time consuming project them I thought. I finished the really fun part, getting to mark it all up with highlighters and make notes. Now I'm onto the harder task of putting these notes in the compter and typing them up. I'm currently way behind on my goal. But you know what? I'm loving this. This is where the dream meet pavement. 

Aside from editing, I've honestly have not been up to much. 

I have been working very slowly through my stack of books from the library and enjoying every minute of it. Seriously, now that reading time is harder to find, I'm craving it like crazy. After two months of not buying books (I was trying to break a bad habit of stress buying) I finally got a couple new books. I decided to get all books I had never read so I bought two books to finish off a series I love and a midle grade book a lot of my friends recomended. 

So yeah, that's a little update on my life. How are your projects going? Tell me what your reading!

I realize this is a rather disjointed post (Mostly due to the fact that I'm writing it WAY to late at night) but I felt like I owed y'all an update. 

Friday, July 20, 2018


It's a rather ominous word 
Its a hopeful word 
It holds everything we will be 
And everything we will do 
Its unattainable in a way 
But also you are living it 
It is what you dreamed of 
Yet it's not 
It's where God already is 
He is in your present 
He promises it will all be 
For your ultimate good
Leads us nearer and nearer 
Always one step closer 
To eternity with Christ 
It is all building towards then 
Is endless 
But we must build it 
Store up treasures for it 
Build relationships for it
Is forever 
And it is held by the One 
Who took the nails 
So you could spend it with Him

This is probably one of my favorite poems I have written all year.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The 777 Writing Challenge

Deborah over at The Road of a Writer tagged me to do this challenge and it looked really fun, so I thought I'd give it a go! 

1. Open your WIP to the seventh page
2. Scroll past the seventh line
3. Copy the next seven paragraphs and paste them on your blog for THE WORLD to read
4. Tag seven people

Now I actually do not have any books I am writing right now (I'm editing) so I did this for two books I wrote last year. 

Andrea's Star
“I need you to trust me.” He said quickly. It seemed like it had been stored up inside so long it just burst out without him even trying.

I didn't respond. With mom, I knew what to say, with dad... it just ran too deep to say anything anymore. 

“Katie, I know I've hurt you...”

My heart skipped a beat as I gripped the arms of the chair “Don't call me that.” I hissed. I never wanted to hear that name again.

I fixed my gaze on my lap, but I heard my dad sigh.

“I want to be there for you.” His voice was gentle.

What I've Become
Jerold put his hand to his forehead and touched blood, no doubt from his run in with the rocks. He gritted his teeth, “Its nothing.”

“Clearly it is something.”

Jerold schooled his features as best he could and shrugged. Not wanting to talk any long, he turned and walked briskly around the building. Not responding to the older mans sigh from behind him.

The evening air bit at his bare hands as he pulled his cap low over his eyes, protecting him from the unwanted stair of strangers. He balled his fists and put them in his coat pockets.

He kept his gaze on the familiar sidewalks; he knew every inch of them from having walked with his head down so much.

Soon he came to the part he knew better than them all. Jerold lifted his head enough to unlatch the pealing gate. Paint chips came off onto his hand as he did.

 From the porch a girl, not much younger then himself, came flying down the path and threw herself into his arms. Her brown hair was tucked into a loose braid that fell all the way to her waist. 

Well, that was fun! If you want to do this tag, feel free to, and please link your post below so I can see it!

Friday, July 13, 2018

One Hour

Photo by ALP STUDIO on Unsplash
One hour
Tick tock
Does it really make a difference
Did I do anything worth speaking?
Did I spend the time well?
Or will I learn after all
That I wasted it?
I don’t want to live
With a mind set on things of earth
I want my heart to be set
On my eternal home
I’ll be there in a blink of an eye
But for right now
One hour is more important
Then I had ever thought before
Was what I was doing really worth it
And will hevan be better for it?
Tick tock

Just food for thought.

Monday, July 9, 2018

June Highlights

Hello! I know this post is late, but I thought better late then never! ;)

I finally finished watching Five Mile Creek. I have to admit, I did not like the last season at all, and the ending was very disapointng. =/

My dog an I went on a couple adventures this month. Mostly we chaised sunsets, and enjoyed the summer solstice. He's a really good gaurd dog, so it's nice to have him along for walks. 

I got my haircut. This is the shortest I've ever had it and i'm liking it, but also missing long hair.

I began a new round of edits on Flight from Kelar which involes me pulling out all my highlighters and marking up the printed pages until they look like a rainbow. It's been going surprisingly well.

A church just down the road is having a movie party every week, so I've been biking down. It's been pretty fun. So far none of the movies have been incredible, but I love hanging out with people.

Willow City releesed their new album! I was really excited about this, since we were part of the kickstarter campain. =D

I watched "I can Only Imagine." Wasn't overly impressed, but I did like it.

I reviewed my one and only Beatheny House book. Yep, they just changed their reviewer program, and I didn't bother re-signing up because I wasn't seeing a lot that I wanted to read anyway. Anyway, I am now in search of another reviewer program, so if you are a part of one, drop me a comment about it.

I drowned my phone. Like it sat in water for about twenty minutes drowned. But somehow it survived unscathed (Praise God!). I also drowned my sisters phone. It survived to.

I was in Sam's and they had a vending machine where you scanned your club card and you got a free candy sample. I got so excited. XD

The Cortship of the Vicers Doughter was my favorite from this month and Together forgever was my least. 
Verbs Burning Youth
Of Broken Things Writing is Life
Window Fellow Stories by Firefly 
Sweet Summertime Totally Graced
Your Life Matters Lauren Elizabeth 
(Don't) Walk Away A Purpose and a Promise
When an Overachiever Rebels Adventure Awaits

My June was pretty awesome. Not perfect (Like always) but good. 
What was your favorite book you read in June?

Friday, July 6, 2018

A Child's Dream

As a kid I would lie awake 
Wondering what my life would be like 
In ten or so years 
When I was almost twenty 
Funny how perfect life looked 
Though the eyes of a child
I planned on being 
Worlds best teenager 
And be working 
At worlds best job 
I would be confadent and kind
Everybody's friend 
Always ready to help 
Insted I'm here 
Ninteen years old
Far from the girl I planned to be
I am no perfect teenager 
I have faults just like the rest 
I still have not kicked my bad habbits 
I am not working a job 
There are so many things I could name  
That I did not live up to 
Those standards were a childs 
Who belived anything was possible 
As I grew older I realized 
I could never live up to those ideas 
But I have no intention 
Of letting those dreams go 
They may be impossible to me 
But they are not with God 
Its funny now looking back 
How important those dreams are 
In shaping who I become

This is for my nineteenth birthday Thursday. Also, the job I wanted most as a kid was to work for NASA, thus the shirt.