
About Mikayla

Mikayla The Ordinary Girl

Hello! I’m Mikayla, an nineteen year old from central Texas. Being God’s child brings me more joy than anything else in this world. I am very passionate about writing and photography, I hope to make one of them my profession someday. Until then, I like to keep my writing in practice by blogging, emailing, and writing lots of novellas. I fill up my camera card super-fast by taking photo of nature, and occasionally portraits. When not perusing those hobby’s, I can often time be found hanging out with my friends, reading heaps of books, reading blogs, or biking around in the country.

Photos taken by the lovely Lindsey from

Interested in more random facts about me? I’ll see what I can do. I love writing poetry. My favorite book is Annabeth's War by Jessica Greyson. I believe that fancy dresses should be worn more often. I’m rarely without music, and my favorite artist is TobyMac. I have a weird obsession with chap stick (EOS is my favorite). I am a strong Nancy Drew fan, but only of the classic 56. The world needs more girls like ND. I think it’s unfair that credit cards can be unlimited, but camera cards can’t. I value complete honesty very much.  I’m in constant awe of all the amazing things God has put around me. My prayer every day is that I would be able to shine His light, and bring glory to His kingdom, not myself. 

Now I’ve told you about myself, I want to know about you!


  1. Shalom Mikayla! :) Awesome cool blog! :D And the comment box is working - coooool! :D I'm always listening to music, too, whether it's being played or what's going through my head at the moment. :P
    The Creator has given us so many amazing things. That is a great prayer and mine as well. :)


    1. Thank you! Haha, I'm glad the comment box is working, its one of my favorite places on the blog. =)
      I know! He's given us so much!
      Thank you for commenting!

  2. I was told to check out this blog, it's beautiful! Love the colors and your poetry. Honestly, I wish I were better in that field. Keep up the good work and hope your holidays are magical.

    1. Aww, I'm so glad you stopped by! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

  3. Hi Mikayla! I love the colors and layout of your blog - it's so beautiful! =)

    Madeline Joy

  4. Just found your blog, and I'm a new follower. <3 I love dresses (just a recent obsession), and retro has become my newest love.
    I also adore Nancy Drew, though I haven't read any in a long time. The oldies are always best!

    1. Thank you so much for following, Kara! Ohh, dresses are the best! The better they swirl, the better they are! Retro is awesome! Haha, I guess that's a series I'll never grow out of! I still enjoy reading them. <3
      Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment!

  5. What beautiful pictures! I love your blog, Mikayla! <3

    (P.S. Unlimited camera cards would make the world an infinitely better place. *nods*)

    1. Thank you!! My friend Lindsay did my graduation shoot and I loved how they turned out! Awww, thank you!! <3 That means a lot to me.


  6. It's awesome that you're an author!! And I love Tobymac too! Have you heard his latest song, "I Just Need You" ? It's really awesome.
    I have a new blog and would love if you would come check me out. It's @

    1. Thanks! Yes, I loved it!! <3
      Alright, I will do that! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  7. Your blog is so sweet! I found out about it today through Gray Marie, and I'm really happy I did. <3

    We have really similar interests! I love blogging and photography too (though the internet never sees it haha), and reading is a huge favorite of mine. :D

    Glad to meet you, Mikayla!

    1. Thank you so much! Oh, I love Gray's blog! =D

      Oh, that's awesome! Lol, well I hope you let some of it see the daylight soon! My photography wasn't so great when I started sharing it, but it's been fun to grow as a photographer on the blog. =) What are some of your favorite books?

      Glad to meet you too, Lilian!

    2. I really love indie books- I love them so much I actually started a platform for them. xD I really like The Coronation and The Rebellion by Livy Jarmusch, Martin Hospitality by Abi Claire, and the Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. :) My blog is actually for reviewing books, which is really fun. It gives me a really large opportunity to read more. xD And an excuse to read more, but let's not get into that.


    3. Me to! Indie books are the best! Ohh, I have read all of those except the Benedict book. I actually have a copy of it, but I haven't read it yet!
      Ohh, that's so fun! It's so cool that you get to run the whole blog focused on what you love! =D *High five*

  8. Hi! I just am stopping by. You sound really cool and I love your blog design!


    1. Aww, thank you!! It was really fun to design the whole blog. =D Thank you so much for stopping by!

  9. Hi, a friend of mine Gray told me about this blog and I had to come and see it and it looks wonderful definitely a blog uplifting the LORD! (Which I'm looking for!)
    I can't wait to see future posts and to know you more!

    1. Awww, that's awesome! Thank you so much! I can't wait to get to know you, to! I hope we can talk some.

    2. No problem!
      I hope we can too!


Let’s talk! Comment about anything; my blog post, what music you’re listening to right now, how the weather is where you are, I want to hear it all! Check back for my replies.
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