Well, it's been awhile since I've just done a genral life update.
First off, I haven't been making a lot of progress with my writing. My big project of the month is to re-edit my novel Flight from Kelar, and I haven't made it very far. But, I am working on re-writing the begining and it's turning out even better than I expected! So yeah, hopefully I'll be getting down to some really hard work on that soon!
One of my goals for the year is to write more letters, so I've been sending out a lot lately. Writing letters is one of my favorite things to do, so this has been an awesome thing to work on. Statonary, fun pens, awesome stamps, and amazing conversations, the whole process is just about the best!
I design some of the kindle covers for my sister, so I've been working on some for her. Of corse, while I did that, my inspiration got sparked and I eneded up working on like three different graphics designs. I get a little carried away. ;D
I had a bit of a bad streak with books lately, about three bad ones. So now I'm despratly trying to read myself out of it, so I started like four books at once. ;D The one I'm focusing on is turning out really well. Got any book recomendations? I'd love to hear them!
So there you go, a bunch of random things going on with me. How are ya'll doing? Do you ever get carried away and start tons of projects at once? Drop me a note in the comments below!