Friday, June 29, 2018

World Changer

Someone once told me 
To stop trying to change the world 
That I needed to 
Start changing people 
And I turned to them and said 
“What do you think 
The world is made up of? 
I will change this world 
One person at a time” 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Before 19

I turn 19 in eight days. This time of year always makes me contemplative because I'm changing ages, this is when I started my blog, and we're halfway through the year. 

It's when I reevaluate my year's goals, and when I make goals for my new age. I'm doing a couple things this week in preparation for my birthday.

First off, I'm binge reading Nancy Drew's right now while I'm still the same age as her. This has been one of those things I've wanted to do since I started reading the series. Now I'm trying to fit in as many as I can before the fifth. I love Nancy Drew, and she's still one of my book role models. Nancy Drew is the one who instilled a love of driving in me. I'm practicing as much as I can, and even though I won't be licensed until I'm 19, I feel like her when I drive. 

One of the things I do every year is to write a letter to myself to open on my next birthday. It's fun to see how far I've come in a year and sobering to see things I want to change. Quite honestly, I always forget what I write, so I'm looking forward to seeing it and writing a new one on my birthday. 

And soon I'm going to sit with my goal list for the year and figure out what I can really do. 

Right now I'm trying to make every moment of being eighteen matter. I'm trying to make even more great memorys before ninteen. 

So what's up with y'all? Can you believe we're halfway through the year?

Friday, June 22, 2018

Keira Blog Tour || Character Interview

Alright, I've got a special guest on my blog today: Jade. Who is Jade? Well, she's a little girl from Kate Willis's new book Keira. This book is releasing next week, and honestly, she's my favorite. I've already done one post about this book, over here.

So, here is the inverview with Jade: (She's two, by the way)

So Jade, could you tell us about your kitten? 
Ummm… My kitty is fuwwy and gway. He jus likes to wave his tail at me.

Where is your favorite place to go? 
To see Gwammy. She lets me have strawbewwies, and I jus eats them all. *eyes widen for emphasis*

Could you tell us about your Aunt Destiny? 
*giggles* She’s funny. She gave me my kitty.

What's your favorite thing to do with Kiera? 
We jus plays dolliesh. *shrugs* And the tea party.

And lastly, what kind of cake do you like best? 
*claps hands together and jumps up and down* Chlokit!!! With sprinkles. I jus eats all the sprinkles. Nom, nom, nom. *runs off to ask for sprinkles*

You can find the book here on Goodreads

Kate's Bio: 

Kate Willis has been homeschooled her whole life in a loving family that values the Gospel of Jesus Christ, creativity, and thoughtful conversations. She is inspired by red shoes, a good story, little children, and chai tea. It is her desire to serve God in the home having a family of her own in the future. She is the author of The Treasure Hunt, The Twin Arrows, Kiera, and two short stories Enjoy the Poodle Skirt and Red Boots.

Her blog

She's got a super awesome giveaway going on, so you should definitly check it out! There are some awesome preizes included and it's super easy to enter! (You can happy dance as an enter. No lie. This giveaway is awesome.)
Giveaway link

Check out the rest of the giveaway on Kates blog here.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Five Years

I've been blogging for five years. Five years that have brought me from a thirteen-year-old who was caught up in imaginary worlds, to an eighteen-year-old who's looking to dive into college courses and possible jobs. 

When I started the blog, I didn't expect it to change this much. I've pretty much tried all the different kinds of posts I could do, and it's been fun. There have been points where I've felt like quitting and times where I've felt like it wasn't worth it, but every time I go to leave, I always feel God telling me to come back. The amazing friendships I have made here and the awesome comments that y'all leave have made this blog one of my favorite places. 

As I look back on the years, it amazes me to see how I've changed, and how the blog has changed with me. But the one thing that always stands out is how amazing y'all have been. 

So thank you, whether you've been here for five years, or five days, or five minutes, thank you for making this blog what it is. Your reading, and support means the world to me.

As I look forward to the next year and anticipate the changes coming for this blog I praise God that I have friends like y'all to share the journey with. 

Thank's for making blogging worth it. 

Friday, June 15, 2018


I love the word 
Oh, there are so many 
Delicious possibility’s
Holds yes’s and no’s 
It holds hope for the future
It has the key to the past
It is a window into your heart
Maybe is a path 
Leading to so many things 
Is not a destination 
Maybe is always 
A hallway 
Leading us towards a definite 
Sometimes we don’t know 
Where it’s going 
But maybe 
Just maybe 
That’s what trust is about.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

My Life in Genral

Well, it's been awhile since I've just done a genral life update.

First off, I haven't been making a lot of progress with my writing. My big project of the month is to re-edit my novel Flight from Kelar, and I haven't made it very far. But, I am working on re-writing the begining and it's turning out even better than I expected! So yeah, hopefully I'll be getting down to some really hard work on that soon! 

One of my goals for the year is to write more letters, so I've been sending out a lot lately. Writing letters is one of my favorite things to do, so this has been an awesome thing to work on. Statonary, fun pens, awesome stamps, and amazing conversations, the whole process is just about the best! 

I design some of the kindle covers for my sister, so I've been working on some for her. Of corse, while I did that, my inspiration got sparked and I eneded up working on like three different graphics designs. I get a little carried away. ;D 

I had a bit of a bad streak with books lately, about three bad ones. So now I'm despratly trying to read myself out of it, so I started like four books at once. ;D The one I'm focusing on is turning out really well. Got any book recomendations? I'd love to hear them! 

So there you go, a bunch of random things going on with me. How are ya'll doing? Do you ever get carried away and start tons of projects at once? Drop me a note in the comments below!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Together Forever || Book Review


Title: Together Forever 
Author: Judy Hedlund 
My rating: 2 stars


Will the mistakes of their past cost them a chance at love?

Determined to find her lost younger sister, Marianne Neumann takes a job as a placing agent with the Children's Aid Society in 1858 New York. She not only hopes to offer children a better life, but prays she'll be able to discover whether Sophie ended up leaving the city on an orphan train so they can finally be reunited.

Andrew Brady, her fellow agent on her first placing-out trip, is a former schoolteacher who has an easy way with children, firm but tender and friendly. Underneath his charm and handsome looks, though, seems to linger a grief that won't go away--and a secret from his past that he keeps hidden.

As the two team up, placing orphans in the small railroad towns of Illinois, they find themselves growing ever closer . . . until a shocking tragedy threatens to upend all their work and change one of their lives forever.

My Review:

I was so excited to finally join Bethany House reviews and this book's synopsis looked perfect.
Unfortunately, the book did not live up to my expectations at all.
Disclaimer: I did not finish the book. All thoughts are based on the first few chapters and what I skim read. I tried to only base my review on things I had read, not thing I assumed. 
First off, I couldn't have cared less for the characters. The main girl believes in God, but believes He doesn't want her anymore because she's sinned. But she'll fake Christianity because the main guy believes it and she wants to impress him. Also we were given convenient little snatches of her background that were supposed to make us feel sorry for her. It did not work on me. 
The main guy... was a piece of work. He flirts with the main girl when he doesn't even know her, and doesn't seem to care whether she is a Christian or not. He saves her from some boys though, so he's won her heart. 
That's where I stopped. I was done with characters I didn't like and standards lower than my own. I did skim read the rest of the book and stumbled on a very, very passionate kissing scene. I was skimming it and I had way to much detail. I didn't really like what I saw with the rest of the story, but since I did not read it, I won't go into that. 
Overall, this was a very disappointing read. I will not be reading anything more by this author.

*I was given this book by the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

I Forgot What to Say

Somewhere along the way 
I forgot what to say 
I stand there 
Open mouthed 
And empty 
How do you respond 
To something that wounds you? 
What do you say?
I cannot walk away 
I cannot leave
But somehow I can't stay 
So I stand 
And empty 
Knowing that in a moment
I'll have to start forgiving you 
Else we wouldn't be friends 
I push away the hurt 
So I stand 
Eyes closed
Praying for patience 
How many times have you done this 
for me? 
I can't even imagine 
I cannot walk away 
I cannot leave
So I stand 
Heart open 
And hurting 
But we're freinds 
and I won't walk away 
So here's my heart 
It's going to hurt sometimes 
We're going to need patience 
but please 
don't leave me 
There's a lot of joy here to 
And I can't wait to share it with you 

Friday, June 1, 2018

May Highlights

I don't know about y'all, but my May just flew by! It was an awesome, eventful month that makes me smile every time I think about it.

I finally made myself a budget. I've been working on finding on that works for me for awhile, and this month I finally sat down and made one. I actually stuck to it, which was hard, but really satisfying!

I got to read outside while watching firefly's and listening to a whippoorwill. It was awesome.

I was mentioned in the dedication of a book for the first time ever.  Still in shock over here. That was probably the coolest thing to discover when I opened the book!

My sister and I had a silly string war. It was short but fun. =)

My survey on here was a success. Thank you to everyone who took it!

Jessica Grayson was at our house (She's my favorite author and an all around awesome person), and she just randomly asked me if I wanted to take selfies. So that's what we did for a long time, trying filters and laughed until my sides hurt. She's awesome. <3

I finished editing my story Andrea's Star that I wrote in November. I really love how this turned out. I've just got one small plot hole that I remembered that I need to smooth out, and then its done!

I got a yellow jacket sting that swelled and itched for three days. It wasn't fun, but it did look impressive. ;)

I chased the sunset with my dog.

I got computer glasses to cut down on the blue light from the screen. It's cut down on the eye ache caused by late night work and it doesn't look to bad in the process. ;)

I signed up for Beathny House's review program and I got my first book from them!

I got two new kittens Gray and Rani. They are adorable.

My jury duty was canceled.

My brother was giving me a driving lesson and we stopped at the top of a hill to watch the full moon as it rose pink.

S'mores. 'nuff said. 

Best book of the month is a tie between Kate's Dilemma by Sarah Holman and Kiera by Kate Willis. They were both incredible. I cannot wait until Kiera comes out and y'all can read it to! 
And my least favorite was Flipped. While the book had a great point, it had a lot of bad content.
Faithfullness Brin Lael 

Writers are like Plants The Left-Handed Typist 

Redefine and be Redefined A Purpose and a Promise 

Passion Planner Review Autumn's Reading's and Writings 

Don't Leave Change to Chance & Holes in the Literature World  Adventure Awaits

What is one fun thing you did this month?