
Friday, September 28, 2018

Love is Not Proud || A One Sentence Dialogue

It's been four months, but I'm happy to be back for another post office story. If you haven't read the others, you can read them here: Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart Five. Part Six.

Where to next?
The Post office.
Did you forget something?
Yes, a ticket.
Oh, you’re going on a trip?
I am.
Where to?
To see a friend.
Is this the girl…
Is that really advisable?
I think so.
She needs me.
She needs someone to be there for her.
But you of all people…
Know what it’s like to need someone.
But doesn’t it wound your pride to go to her like this?
Because she would not come to you.
God does not call us to protect our pride.
That’s very admirable.
I’m only doing what God calls.
He calls you too many things.
Nothing more than he called his own son.
If you say so.
I do.
Then I’ll take you to the post office now.
Thank you.
Just one more question.
What are you going to do when you get there?
I have no idea.
Then I was right.
You’re a fool.


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tagged || Liebster Award

I was tagged by Anna over at A Storynerds Life for the Liebster Award quite a while back, and I'm finally getting around to it! Thanks for the nomination, Anna!

Tag Rules:
Thank the blog that nominated you for the award.
Answer the questions they gave you.
Give 11 fun facts about yourself.
Nominate 11 other bloggers for the award, and give them 11 questions to answer.

The questions:

Do you write for fun (stories, letters, blog posts, etc.) or just when absolutely necessary to write (school, notes, etc.)?
I write for fun all the time! I have a ton of stories I've written, but currently, I'm working on revising a book. I love writing letters (It's one of my favorite things), and blog posts are fun. Also, I'm out of school. =)

What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Definitely interacting with all the awesome people online. I love getting into conversations with people in the comments section, and learning about them! I've met more friends through blogging then anywhere else!

What genre of book do you hope to be famous for someday?
My dream would be for Sci-fi. I just grin like crazy anytime I get to write sci-fi and if I could make that my big genre, I would be happy. Though I also love non-romance contemporary YA.

What flavor of ice cream is tops overall?
Mint and chip. Best ice cream ever.

What would be your reaction if someone gave you a kitten?
I would probably squeal really loudly and hug them. (Seriously, this is one of my dreams.)

Inside or outside?
Outside. The trees, heat (Yes, I love the heat), breezes, and pretty much everything good is out there. When it's fall I practically live outside.

Who designed your blog?
I did. That's probably obvious, but I love this little blog.

During a rainstorm are you more likely to curl up and read, or go out to enjoy the rain?
Um, both! (Is that cheating?) I'll probably enjoy the rain, then curl up with a book. Rain is amazing. <3

Tell a random story about yourself.
*Spends ten minutes trying to think of any story that's not boring* Last time I was home alone I decided to polish the floors, so I shoved everything out of the living room, put Beauty and the Beast Broadway music on super loud and sung at the top of my lungs. I went to grab something in my room, the track ended and I stopped singing. When I came out a friend had come in from where she was staying in our guest cottage. All I could do for a moment was sit there and wonder how much of my rendition of "Home" she had heard. ;D

What was the last person you met that you stole their name for a story character?
Ouch. Making me tell hard secrets. I really don't know. While I do love stealing names for books, I normally steal from other books. The last time I remember doing it from a real person was a character named Katlin.

Pens or pencils?
Pens all the way!

Eleven facts:

1. I have done the Liebster Award seven times on this blog. This will be the eighth.
2. I normally write my blog posts about midnight these days.
3. I am about to hit my Goodreads reading goal.
4. I love snail mail very much.
5. If there was a job of profeshional book reviewer, I would do that.
6. I eat cookies for breakfast a lot.
7. I play Ultimate Frisbee every Sunday with a group from a bunch of different churches.
8. Red galoshes make me happy, so I finally got a pair last year.
9. I am currently writing a superhero flash fiction which is SO not my genre.
10. I really don't like most superheroes.
11. My currently reading shelf is about overflowing.

As for the nominations, I'm going to skip that part.

Well, that was fun! Thank you so much, Anna, for the nomination!

So what is your favorite ice cream flavor? What's your dream job?

Friday, September 21, 2018

Discovering Purpose

I sit on the floor 
Starring at the stove 
My phone in my lap 
Text thread open 
Asking what I’ve been doing
As I sit 
I try to tally up 
What my life has amounted to 
What I’ve done worth counting 
What I’ve said worth repeating 
Goals of a child still live in me 
But that doesn’t amount to a purpose 
As I review it all 
One question keeps coming up 
What did God put me here for? 
What was I born to do? 
I have some things I’d like do to 
But does that amount to a purpose? 
Questions swirl 
Blurring out everything else 
I don’t see the room around me 
All I see is the years of being dormant 
Not moving towards anything 
Maybe I can’t find my goal 
Because it’s been right in front of me 
Maybe my purpose is discovered 
One step at a time 
Doing the tasks in front of me 
And piece by piece discovering 
What I was meant to do
I sit on the kitchen floor 
With determination building 
I’ve got an adventure 
Right in front of me

Saturday, September 15, 2018

I'm Offically Back!

River near us that is overflowing because of all the rain

Hello everyone! It's not one of my regular posting days, but I guess that doesn't really matter. These day's even I find it interesting to see what day I actually end up posting on. Even though I did my highlights, I ended up taking a month-long break from all other posts, which was very nice. 

I wish I could say I got a lot done while I was gone, but I didn't really. I worked on cleaning out my email inbox (It's been cluttered for weeks). I've been working through a course on how to improve my blog and I've been really enjoying that and I've been hanging with my family. Life's been pretty good. I did miss being present here on the blog and interacting with y'all, but now I feel much more prepared to dive back in. 

To be honest, I'm still feeling pretty creatively dry, but I feel like at this point I need to just push through and try to get back into the swing of it. I've got a list of projects that need to get done (Some super exciting ones that I'm eager to share with y'all soon!) and I'm trying my best to get back into them.  
I'm gearing up for NaNoWriMo (yes, I know, a bit early) by beginning to plot my novel. I do not normally plot books (this will actually be my first time) but since it is book two of three in a trilogy I feel like it needs to have a really solid plot. So y'all will probably be hearing about that for a while. I am a fairly visual planner so you might get pictures of my planning process. 

 I am going to attemt to get back to my Monday & Friday posting, but I might still miss a few days as I get back into the swing of things.

So, I feel like it has been forever, what have y'all been up to? Are you getting ready for NaNo?

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

August Highlights

Well, here were are in September. August wasn't my best month, but I did really enjoy having some time to re-focus on why I blog. I'll share more about that later. 

Every Wednesday I go for a bike ride down to a church four miles from our house, and I always lock up my bike. Well, I came out and tried to undo it, only to find it stuck. The pastor came out and tried his best to unlock, but finally, my dad had to come and cut through the lock for me. Luckily it was a cheap one, and pretty easy to cut.

We surprised my mom by taking her out to lunch one day and then taking her to a museum nearby. This was a huge highlight of my month because they have a big section on space and I had a blast looking at it all. 

I was having a bad day, so my sister Grace stayed up late playing a game of Pandemic (a cooperative board game) with me. 

I had a lot of movie party's with my siblings in August. With everything from Bionic Woman, to High School Musical, to Star Trek, it was an eclectic month. But it was awesome.

For the first time in my life, I got to go to my first water park. All my sisters, my mom and I all went for the day and had an absolutely amazing time. It was a small park but packed full. I went down the tube slides a TON and thankfully only got a mild sunburn on my face.

I got to go on glass bottom boats! This was a really fun experience of actually getting to see under the water and all the life down there. A turtle even followed underneath us for a while. 

I got sick so I spent a whole day listening to "A Name Unknown" by Roseanna M. White and playing computer games. Thus I listened to eight hours of it in one day and about five the next. O.o

My cat nuzzled me awake one morning. Best. wakeup. call. ever.

I got caught up on book reviews this month by writing seven in one day. Those reviews pile up so fast. 

My favorite was A Name Unknown. 
Oops Bess's Bit of Treasure
Guess What I Got Writing is Life
A Trip to the Country Fair A Farm Girls Life
A Bad Dream Woke Me Up A Storynerds Life
Summer '18 Life Update Sunshine and Scribbles
Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag Stories By Firefly

How was your month? What was your top book of August?