I wish I could sound super cool and say I did something interesting this week, but, unfortunately, I haven't.
I've managed to stumble through school this month, and get stuck in math. Read when I'm supposed to be writing and write when I'm supposed to be sleeping.
So instead of boring you with more detals like this, I'm going to share a tag. =)

The Rules:
1. Link up to the person who created the tag (Nabila)
2. Put a link to the person who tagged you (Katie)
3. Tag at least 3 other people to do this tag
4. Put the picture above in your post.
1. What grade are you in?
I am in about three different grades according to subject. Technically though, I'm in eleventh grade.
2. What kind of school are you in? (elementary, middle, or high school)?
High School.
3. What is your opinion of school?
I love it. Homeschooling is the best! There are some hard days when I just don't feel like doing school or a certain subject, but I do enjoy it none the less.
4. What is your favorite subject overall?
Math and science. I could never pick between them. I love math for its logic and the puzzle. I love science because I love figuring out how things work.
5. What is your favorite academic subject (reading or math)?
I was not aware that reading was an academic subject. I love reading.
6. What is your favorite non-academic subject?
I tag:
Jamie from A Year of Nature Studies
Allie from Spreading my Joy
and whoever wants to do this!
1. What grade are you in?
2. What kind of school are you in? (elementary, middle, or high school)?
3. What is your opinion of school?
4. What is your favorite subject overall?
5. What is your favorite academic subject (reading or math)?
6. What is your favorite non-academic subject?
Cool tag! I enjoyed reading it!