Monday, July 17, 2017

Permits, Planes, and Preperation

I hope y'all are enjoying a relaxing summer! I feel like my life is going twice as fast right now, which explains why I am writing this at eleven at night when I should have been doing it this morning and I'm writing it on the seventeenth of July. Seriously, it was just the beginning of July about two days ago. I'm sure it was. 

Well, we are here at the seventeenth. My family has had three birthday's this month, including my own. I've managed to barely limp along with CampNaNo, but I'm running out of plot, so I'm beginning to get into trouble. I've taken seven hours of testing, and tomorrow I get my drivers learners permit. We are rushing to get my permit because I booked a trip to see one of my friends next month, and I will need an ID to get on the plane. This will be my first time meeting the friend, and my first time on a plane, so I am super excited. I'm now trying to fit in a lot of stuff before I leave, and preparing my packing list so I can make sure I don't forget anything!

Also on a super, super random note, this is post number 444. I thought that was pretty fun!

So, I could use some advice, since this is my first time on a plane. Would you comment with your top pieces of advice for flying? Also what is the one thing you wish you had taken on your last trip, but forgot? 

I hope you have a fantastic day!


  1. Congratulations on getting your driver's permit. It is hard to believe that July is almost over.

    1. Thank you! I'm almost there, just got to wait for them to mail me some stuff before I can get it in my hands! =)
      It is! I'm trying to make the most of the days as they wiz by!

  2. Have a good time visiting your friend. Enjoy your airplane ride. I have never been on a plane.

    1. Thank you! This is my first time, so I'm really excited!

  3. 1. If you want pictures out the window of the plane, have your DSLR handy. I've taken 2 round trips since I got a cell phone, and both trips were with different smartphones with good cameras. But they will almost ALWAYS focus on the dirt and streaks on the window, no matter where you tap. You have to be able to focus manually.
    2. Other than that, I'd keep as much as possible in your bag(s) rather than on your person - it's kinda crowded getting on and off and is the last time you want a bracelet/watch/etc snagging on something (or someone in a hurry).
    Hmmm.. on my last trip I was trying to pack super light and still brought more than I needed. The only thing I didn't have was a catapult to toss me back home so I could join you and Sarah for your rainy day movie party.

    1. Alright. I will keep that in mind! I'm not a big fan of cell phone images if I have a choice anyway, and I always have my camera with me. =)
      Well, I'm not great at packing light, but since I'm limited to a bag and a small backpack, I'll kinda be forced to. Hum, that would have been good. We'll have to see about building a beaming system, that would work to.
      Thanks, Scott!

  4. Omg that is exciting! I remembered my first time riding a plane. It was very awkward that I had to ask the lady beside me how to put the seat belt on. Enjoy your flight. It would be very nice if you're near the window. You can see everything there! Also, don't forget to bring jacket. Airplanes can be cold sometimes :)

    PS. Nice phots Mikayla :)

    Homed: Life in Sugar & Spice

    1. Thank you! Haha, we all have times like that. =) I requested a window seat, so we shall see how that goes! =) Alright, I will remember, thank you so much!

  5. Such lovely pictures! :)

    Would you mind checking out my book reviews blog at and possibly give it a follow? Super excited to read your posts!

    - El

    1. Thank you!

      I will be sure to check out your site!


  6. Congrats on your permit and your birthday and your trip and your cool pictures. ;) I've only been on a plane a couple times, but my advice is BRING SOMETHING TO READ! :D <3 Have fun! ;)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm not sure if I could possibly leave my books behind, so I will be sure to have them handy on the trip. Thank you!

  7. Hope NaNo is going better now! Did you get the permit all right?

    How exciting! My #1 plain tip is probably not to panic. I've flown multiple times with my family, but only just a few times by myself. It's so easy to get frustrated and stressed and panicked when it all seems to be dependent on you (especially connecting flights and trying to get there on time. Urgh...) So, just relax and ask for help from those who are there to help you anyway. :)

    1. Thanks! Well, they are going to be mailing me my certificate, and then I'll take that in and actually get my permit. So its taking a bit longer then I expected, but its going alright! I'll keep you posted. =)

      Thank you so much! I will definitely keep that in mind!



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