Monday, August 21, 2017

Recommendations from My Week

This is a duckling we found. =)

Hey everyone! I'm still in Washington (I'll be flying home tomorrow) but here are some recommendations from my week!

Music: Britt Nicole (Self titled album) 

Book: Andora's Folly by Abigayle Claire

Instagram: Abigayle Claire

Got any recommendations for me? 
How are you doing today? 

Getting déjà vu with the photos? They were accidentally published last Saturday, but I decided to enlarge them and share them in my proper posts anyway.


Let’s talk! Comment about anything; my blog post, what music you’re listening to right now, how the weather is where you are, I want to hear it all! Check back for my replies.
If you are using the anonymous option, please leave your name so I know it is not a spam comment. Thank you!!
Let’s do this. What’s on your mind?