Friday, December 8, 2017

It's Here

Yup, that's me. ;)

Snow falling
Lights on trees
Cookies in the oven
Carol of the Bells
Cold nights
Warm fires
Friends coming over 
Wrapping presents 
It's a Wonderful Life 
Lots of cuddling 
Live nativity's 
UPS delivery every day
Secret plans 
Reading the story 
Smiles from God 
Seeing stars differently
Red and green
Wishing to be with freinds
Snow ice cream 
Glass balls 

Some may say Christmas is coming, but for me it's already here. These things I listed are only a fraction of what makes Christmas so amazing.


  1. The snow is amazing, and yep, Christmas is already here.

  2. That looks so pretty!!!! I can't believe you all got snow! :D We're still waiting for our first snow. ;) Yes, Christmas time is here!!!!

    1. Haha, yeah, so am I! This is the first time we've gotten snow at our house in ten years!

  3. Snowing here in New York. Wishing you and yours a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR
    Marilyn and Marion

    1. Aww, that is so awesome!! <3 MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Thank you both so much!!

  4. Hello Mikayla! I just found your blog recently as my sister, Anna told me about it (she and Rose have connected in the past few months) :) I'm excited to follow your daily happenings and get to know you better! God bless you!
    ~ Lydia Mieczkowski

    1. Thank you!! I am so glad you found my blog! I look forward to having you around!!

  5. YES!!! Christmas is already here. You could not be more right about that. I love your blog content. It's super original and beautiful. I can tell you are a lovely soul.

    1. Thank you so very much, Vanessa! You don't know how encouraging that was. *HUGS* Thank you so, so much for stopping by!!


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