Friday, July 27, 2018


This is esentally an acompanment poem to Tuesday's post.

Tonight I’m tired 
I’m tired of being tired
I’m tired of a dream 
That I never thought I would be 
I love making words flow 
I love doing this 
But I didn’t realize it meant this 
The light night exhaustion
The days of giving up things 
The pushing through the haze 
This is not what I thought it would be 
But somehow I love it anyway 
I am tired of chasing my dream 
But even through the exhaustion
I feel the joy of the journey welling inside of me 
I get to chaise my dream 
I have the privilege  
To chaise my dream 
I get to work late at night 
I get to choose what I do 
God helps me push through the haze 
God gave me this crazy dream 
And now He’s helping me chaise it 
Sometimes it’s not 
The dream I thought it would be 
This is the part where dreams 
Meet the pavement 
But I’m not stopping 
Oh not tonight 
I’ve got a dream 
And I’m chasing it 


  1. Sometimes it’s not
    The dream I thought it would be
    This is the part where dreams
    Meet the pavement

    ^^Thanks for these words. <33

    1. You are welcome. Thank you so much for your encouragement! <3


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