Friday, April 6, 2018


I hope you enjoy this slightly moody, subdued, kind of disjointed poem. It's all I've got tonight.

Another night 
I don’t know 
Where I’m going 
I don’t know 
Where I am 
I’m lost 
In the middle 
Of so many things 
So many decisions 
So many paths 
Wanting to take me 
In a hundred directions 
I’m not sure I want to go 
But I don’t know 
Where I’m going 
So how do I know 
What path not to take 
And what decision to make
I’m so very lost 
In the middle 
Of so many things 
I’m afraid 
I’ll never be found 


  1. I totally get that feeling. xx

  2. I understand - I've had those honestly hard, unbearable nights. Stay strong, friend. You are not alone. *Hugs*

    1. Thank you so much, Kara. <3 *Hugs* I really appreciate it.


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