Friday, April 20, 2018

With Them You Are Wanted

Sometimes I just need happy poems, so here's one for you. It's not my best, but I like it anyway. 

With them you are wanted
You are needed 
They're there to say 'its okay'
They'll do something  
a million times for you 
They'll repeat something 
until you understand 
They'll laugh with you 
They aren't afraid of tears 
They ask your advice 
They aren't afraid of quiet 
Absences only brings them closer 
Anger only makes them gentler 
Irritation only makes them kinder 
Doubt only makes them pray harder
Fear only makes them push closer
They aren't about to leave you 
and you are wanted 

F R I E N D S 


  1. Aw, this is sweet. Friends are such a gift from God! I like how blogging increases that friend circle too - it's incredible to be part of the blogging community. Thanks for writing and sharing, Mikayla! Happy poems are good. :)

    1. Awww, thank you! Indeed they are! Yeah, it is pretty awesome! I met my two best freinds through blogging, and so many friends. It was my pleasure! Thank you so much for stopping by! I am very grateful you are part of this community of bloggers. <3


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