Saturday, November 8, 2014


I'm alive. I feel like crying for joy. Okay, a little less dramtic way to put that sentance is; I survived the first week of NaNoWriMo. 
Right now I'm imbetween writing sessions so I thought I would give ya'll a little bit of an update. I'm sorry if this is disconnected, has grammatical errors or anything else, just blame it on writing 1667 words in a day and heading in to another 1667 so I won't get behind.
NaNo has actually been going surprisingly well this year. I thought I was going to have tons of trouble because I had been using a lot of my inspiration on another story in October but I guess the saying is true: "The more you use inspiration the more you have." 
I've been writing a re-telling of Cinderella set in a fictional country with no magic. "Cinderella" is a Douches and Heiress of a large estate but her mother is deturmaned to teach her a lesson and makes her a servant in the house.
And from there on I have no idea. I'm writing it and so I don't really know what's going to happen beyond the next paragraph. 
So right now I'm on track with my word track but I just got there on Friday, before I had been behind since the first day.  
So, sorry this isn't a long update, I've got to get to my next 1667 words if I want to keep on track. 


  1. Great, Mikayla! :) Thanks for the update. I hope you figure out where you want the story to go!! Enjoy the weekend and the rest of NaNoWriMo!

    1. Thanks for commenting! =) Thanks, I hope so to, the good thing is I have a lot of time to edit it if I decided I want to change anything. =D Thanks, I will, its been pretty interesting so far. =)

  2. Haha, that sounds crazy. I might do NaNo next year..I'm going do it myself this year, except 1,000 words a day. Then I might be more prepared for next year. :D Do you plan it? Or go with the flow? I'm doing very basic planning so I can fit extra things in. :D How many word do you have do far? Good luck with your novel! :)

    1. Hey Sarah. =) It is pretty crazy but that's half the fun of it. =D You might consider doing one of the Camp NaNo's in April and July, those really got me prepared for NaNo this year. =) Here's the site if you want to look around: Well, I had a very basic idea in my head of what I wanted the story to be like but I didn't plan anything. Somtimes in the morning I'll write out a plan of what I need to happen in todays word count and that helps. I would rather have it all planed out so I could just go along with it but I'm not good at planing out novels so I just plan as I go. =) I have 14.000 words at this moment, which means I'm about 2.000 words behind but hopefully by time you read this comment I'll be all caught up. =D Thank you so much for your comment Sarah, it helped me a lot this morning. =D

  3. I can't wait to read it!!

    1. Aww, thanks Lauren! I can't wait to show it to you! =D

  4. YOU.CAN.DO.IT.MIKAYLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Jessica! Its so nice to know that so many people think I can do this. =D


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