300 posts!
This is my 300'th post. Lots has happened since my first. Its been nearly three years since I've started this blog and since then I've started another (Which is currently under construction) and gotten to know many awesome people just because of this blog.
Also, for quite awhile I've been trying to do a Q&A video. Every time I sit down to do it I always think "I should really get a few more questions" so, I was hoping y'all could help me out. Would you comment below with questions for me? It can be any kind of question, I'm not picky. =)
I'll wait a week for all the questions to come in, then I will make the video and post it on the 9'th of April!
I hope you enjoy the photos!
Would you take a moment and ask a question for my Q&A? It would make my day if you would!