Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I'm lost in my own world

Sorry guys, I kind of got lost. Don't worry, its a happy type lost. Over the last couple of years I have been working on writing three different book series and now I'm getting towards the end of all three. But in order for me to write the ending I really want, I feel like I have to get lost in my book. That means my sister putting up with random pictures of characters pinned up around our room. And I'm listening to music they would listen to, and a lot of times when I'm doing ordinary stuff thinking "now what would my character do here?" All of which contributes to this crazy thing I call writing.
Lets not dwell to long on the fact that I haven't done any writing this month. I have no valid excuse. Lets just say me and my characters are having a adamant discussion on how my next story should start.
Overall, I kind of like being lost, its fun. What about you?


  1. Ooohhh, that sounds so much fun, I totally love getting lost in the story I'm writing, feeling like I'm right there with the characters, it's the best thing ever.

    1. Yeah, getting lost is fun sometimes! =)
      I hope you get lost soon. ;)

    2. I'm just getting ready to go write, so let's hope so. ;)

  2. I'm not really sure what to say in this comment - LOL! - but I will say I really loved reading. :)
    ~Grace <3

    1. Haha, well thank you very much for commenting anyway! It made my day better!
      Thank you!!


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