Well guys, there are only three days left in November, and
my brain in fried. I’ve been running around like crazy with the holidays and
NaNoWriMo. Honestly, I’ve got a lot to say to y’all, but right now, I just can’t
think strait enough to do it. Also I apologize for the lack of photos, but the internet is
not working well right now.
But, here’s a little bit of what I’ve been working on this
You and me
We’re always dancing around each other
We never quite make it together
I spot you from my home
You spot me from yours
We come so close
We were meant to meet up
But we keep
Dancing around each other
I twirl and smile
You do your part
We both dance
The same dance
Just in different places
I twirl to a beat
You march to a drum
We go at the same time
Never meeting always dancing
I pour my heart into every note
You pour your life into yours
And we continue
To dance around each other
The dance leads us apart
I’ve gotten used
to our companionship
I dance alone
My heart aches
You march on
I take strength from that
So we continue
To dance around each other
Until the music
Brings us together
And then at last
We’re dancing side by side
And I begin to march just a bit
And you begin to twirl
So we dance together
And it’s like
We were meant to be