Monday, January 14, 2019

20 Questions About Books

I've been trying to do fewer tags, but the lovely Kate tagged me for this, and it had some fun questions. =) 

1. How many books are too many in a series?
I typically get tired of a series after about five to six books. It depends on how interested I am. After six books, I am definitely ready for some things to be wrapped up.

2. How do you feel about cliffhangers?
While they can be rather frustrating as a reader, I like them. It makes me anticipate the next book (or chapter) more. 

3. Hardback or paperback?
Paperback. Hardbacks are pretty, but they are way to hard to hold. I much prefer light paperbacks! 

4. Favorite book?
1. Timothy and Dear Mr. Knightly by Katherine Reay. <3 

5. Least favorite book?
Ehh, I don't really keep track of things like that.

6. Love Triangle… yes or no?
Not generally, since it's normally not done well, but I won't turn down a book just cause it's got one in it. 

7. The most recent book you couldn’t finish?
Home Fires of the Great War by Rebekah Morris, but that was because my Kindle Unlimited subscription ran out. I was also slightly bored. *shrugs*

8. A book you’re currently reading?
Your Best Year Ever, and The Lion The Witch, and the Wardrobe. *Grins* 

9. The last book you recommended to someone?
I think it was Kiera by Kate Willis.

10. Oldest book you’ve read (based on publication date)?
The Plymouth Plantation from 1651. A tad on the boring side but packed full of information!

11. Newest book you’ve read (based on publication date)?
Live Without You by Sarah Grace Grzy

12. Favorite author?
Jessica Grayson and Sarah Holman.

13. Buying books or borrowing them?
I like borrowing books first, making sure I like them and then buying them. 

14. A book you dislike that everyone else loves?
A Time to Die by Nadine Brandes.

15. Bookmarks or dog-ears?
Bookmarks. I've got a bucketload of bookmarks and I love them all. Dogeared pages really bug me...

16. A book you can reread over and over?
Dear Mr. Knightly and Annabeths War. *Happy sigh*

17. Can you read while listening to music?
I can but I prefer not to. 

18. Multiple POVs or one POV?
I much prefer to read only one and first person is my favorite. I don't mind two perspectives, but any more then that and it starts getting a little much for me. 

19. Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days on average?
Depends on the book. I used to read a ton of books in one sitting, but now I do it over a few days, and its fine with me that way. I have more time to relish the book. =) 

20. Who do you tag?
Anyone who wants to. (Seriously though, I don't know many people who still do tags)


  1. Oooh! This is such a fun tag! I might have to do this one on my channel. ;)

    1. Ohh, that would be fun!! =D I'd love to see it if you did!

  2. Mikayla I enjoyed your 20 questions about books. Thank You for sharing.

  3. Very interesting. You answered the questions great. Loved many of your answers.

  4. Fun! :)

    I should get a blog someday so I can do tags. :P

    1. You should!! You would be a great blogger, Rebekah!

  5. Loved your answers!! It sounds like I must read Dear Mr. Knightley sometime. ;)


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