Friday, March 8, 2019

When Waiting Begins to Hurt

This is not one of my most put together poems, but a lot has been piling up recently and prompted me to write this. I was recently reminded in several ways how much I need to be storing up treasure in my eternal home, not in my temporary one.

Sometimes the waiting hurts 
When people we love die 
When pets go on 
And there’s financial strain 
When people get injured 
And decisions are hard 
The waiting begins to hurt 
It’s a subtle realization 
A small stabbing in the heart 
That this world 
Will never be my home 
I’m trying to store up treasure 
In that home, not this 
I’m laying aside things 
Knowing I’ll see them again 
But as friends go before me 
And hurt begins to stab 
I know I’ll see them again 
Because what’s lost in the world
That clings to His mighty grace
Is never lost for good 
It's waiting at home 
But this waiting is beginning to hurt 
I’m getting a hankering for home 
So I can see what I lost face to face 
And know, as I always have 
That all this pain 
Is worth the wait 

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