Monday, March 4, 2019

February Highlights

Well, February was not an amazing month. It had some super awesome times in it, but also some really hard ones. 

I got a sprocket! It's a tiny photo printer you hook up to your phone via Bluetooth. It's kind of like having a Polaroid camera. I have been using that a ton and I love it. 

So I did a bit more baking this month by trying my hand at lemon bars and cupcakes made from scratch. I was pleasantly surprised that both turned out pretty good! Though the icing on the cupcakes was a bit

I got to skype with my friend Kate for the first time. <3

I went to see the Lego Movie 2 in theaters with my siblings. I don't go to the theater very often, so that was a treat, and the movie was super fun. Not as good as the first, but good. Then later in the month, my sister Sarah took me again. =)

I babysat some super awesome kids, which was definitely a highlight of the month.

One of the most exciting things I did this month was buying plane tickets!! One of my dearest friends and I split the cost of a ticket, and I'm heading to Georgia near the end of this month!

Texas had fun with the weather (as it always does). It was 87 degrees on the fifteenth, and two weeks later it barely got above freezing one day.

I got sick for a solid week and had a fever for most of that, so I spent my time catching up on my reading and some Mission Impossible (old series). It was actually a good break, despite not feeling well. I am very grateful to be better now and diving back into work.


Our dog Ascari died. It's been sad not to have him around anymore.

Also, our fridge went out for a whole week. That was... a learning experience.

I was struck with inspiration the other day and pulled a lot of books off my bookshelf that I just like, but didn't love. So I had about 25 books I got rid of. I never thought I would toss that many books at once, but it felt really good. Then I rearranged my bookcases and got them to fit better then they have in a long time.  

My favorite was The Protector by Dee Henderson. My least favorite was You're the Cream in my Coffee.
An Adventure Stories by Firefly
Levi + Elenor Sunshine and Scribbles
What I Wish I'd Known Inspiring Writes
January Video The Introverted Extrovert
Make Your Own Sunshine A Farm Girls Life
If Riley Poole were a Writer A Storynerds Life


  1. Glad you are feeling better. Thank You for the list of books you read.

  2. Mikayla you had a very interesting February. Hope you are feeling great. Congratulations on cleaning and clearing out your books.

    1. Indeed I did. =) Thank you! It's nice to have my bookshelves clean. =)

  3. You take such lovely pictures, my friend. <3

    ~Katja L.


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