Monday, November 9, 2015

My Life (In as many posts as it takes) #71

In which I have not done much.

My life has been pretty much taken up with NaNo and School. This is not to say that I don't have time for anything else, but that once I'm done with School and NaNo, all I want to do is curl up with a book and read. The weather, though rainy, has been drying up every few days and being beautiful for photos, so here are a few! 

I'm not quite sure why Luke was hiding, but he looked adorable. 


  1. NaNo....yep. I'm there too.

    Love the pictures! Especially the last one, SO CUTE!

  2. Luke is so cute! I would like to see more of him! I am a crazy dog lover. (if you haven't already noticed)

    Allie D.

    1. Thanks! I post pictures of him on a regular bases, so you can check back for more! =D Thank you so much for commenting!

  3. You sent the rain this way!! Our front yard is a lake... ;)

    You can do NaNo!!! I'm rooting for you! =D


    1. Ops, sorry about that. I meant to send it the other way. ;) Hope your a good swimmer... ;)


  4. Aww! Luke is so cute! I saw the little button down there below... TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND WORDS!! Whoa! And it's only half way through November! What is you goal?

    Megan | A Barefoot Gal
    P.S. Oh, I just had a thought, is that your goal? :P

    1. Thanks! I love my puppy! =D My goal is 50,000 words. Its 1,667 words a day, but I really enjoy it. =D



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