Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Every wave speaks a poem

Writing Wednesday #31

I don't know about you, but to me, beaches speak poetry. While we were there on vacation, I wrote several poems, but I thought I would share my favorite.

Every wave speaks a poem

Every wind, a song

The sun says he knows Him

Who makes them last all day long

The creator of all things

The one who loves us all

He's the one to whom the bird sings

And the mighty waters form a wall

He made the endless seashores

And waters to cover them

He opened the floodgates doors

And The oceans bring him glory to Him

The shells it leaves on the sand

Bring hope and joy to many a persons who come

Becauses it brings things from the greatest depths onto land

And from far off lands come some

God made everything in the sea

He made the wind, the waves and the shells

The ocean brings us hope, but God wants us to be

A light, and free people from their worldly cells.


  1. That poem is great Mikayla! I am looking forward to a beach vacation soon and I will be remembering these words as I walk on the beach.


    Allie D.

    1. Aww, thank you so much! I hope your vacation is amazing and a huge blessing to you!

  2. I love this, Mikalya! Great job! :)

    1. Thank you, Emily! I'm really glad you liked it!
      Thank you so much for commenting!

  3. Amen! Lol XD

    When I walk onto the sandbars, out in the bay, so marvelously away from it all, the words just come to me, in sweet rhymes of harmony.

    1. Indeed it does. I love that feeling when your out in the waves and it feels like, even though your close to shore, everything else just melts away except you and God and He seems to speak poetry in the very waves crashing on you. Its a truly aweing experience.

  4. Very true poem, Mikayla!!! The first lines I like especially! About the wind and the sun, and The One Who loves us all... Isn't the beach amazingly beautiful? I miss it sometimes. :)

    1. Thanks! The first few lines were my favorites to. =)
      Yes, it is. Texas may not have a pretty of beaches as your used to, but your welcome to come down and visit them anytime you want. ;) I miss it when I'm away from it. There is just something amazing to think about that its so big, and it covers so much of the earth, and you get to be in it. =)


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