Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dear Non NaNoers

I've talked to several people this month about NaNoWriMo. As much as I try not to just stick on that subject, when its taking up so much of my life, it kinda comes up again and again and *Cough* again.

Last week a very dear friend of mine told me she was feeling left out because she wasn't doing NaNo. That it seemed like everyone else was doing it except her. And I totally get it. Its really hard to watch everyone do something, and you decided not to. Even though I don't do that with NaNo, I totally feel that way.

And I know that nothing I say can completely make some of you feel better about not participating. I could give you a long list of all the things I'm not doing so that I'm able to do NaNo. All the late nights, frustration and thinking that there was no possible way this story could be turned into something readable. But I'll spare you the long list.

I have tons of NaNo friends to talk to. We discuss character names, have word wars, and we complain about sore fingers.  But at the end of the day, when I feel like giving up on my story because I just can't stand it anymore, I don't go to my NaNo friends.

I'm an achiever in a world of overachievers with NaNo, and that is fine with me, but not the best when you feel like you can't write one more word.

When I get discouraged, I go to my non NaNo friends. Those awesome people who have decided that they really need to focus on school, or their other commitments besides NaNo. People who have decided that they need to give their all to every project they have, and not give half while trying to cram NaNo into the mix. These are people who know their limitations, and think they are just going to sit out of NaNo. But I don't think they realize what an important role they play.

When I'm discouraged about NaNo, I go to people like Micaiah, who really wanted to do NaNo, but knew she couldn't do it and school well. Thus she's able to help me because she's not trying desperately to do NaNo as well. She's got free time for me to text her and just chat.

Or Kate, who has tons of other commitments and knew she couldn't do them all well if she added NaNo to the mix. She's available for advice any time I need her. I know, even though she's busy, she'd take the time to help me out.

Or Lauren, who's really not into writing on that large of a scale. She is an amazing writer, an always up to help. She never gets tired of ramblings and is always up for a brainstorming session or a pep talk when I need her.

Or Jessica who has so many commitments I'm not sure how she keeps up with them all. But I've never been denied a call, or text. She is crazy busy, but always asks how my writing is coming. She never forgets. We met through the NaNo site in 2013 and even though she doesn't participate in writing for NaNo, shes always been a big part of my writing.

There are so many of ya'll who are not doing NaNo, but do not feel like you aren't contributing! You are incredible, and I applaud you for all the things your getting done this month!

Comment below and link your favorite non NaNoer! If you have a few moments, why don't you go and comment on their blog or message them with a thank you! Lets give these people a round of applause for their amazing contribution to the month!


  1. OOH there are so many non-NaNoers that I'm good friends with - but the one who first comes to mind is Tracey Dyck (, who's really wanted to do NaNo before but has put it aside to do other, more important things :).
    And I definitely do admire the people like Tracey who really want to do NaNo, but are wise enough to not do it so that they can fully focus on more important things. I don't know if I'd have enough self-control to do that :D. (I absolutely LOVE this post, by the way)

    ~ Savannah

    1. I know, there are so many amazing people out there! I know, they have so much self control, they are amazing. I tend to jump into these things without thinking, but they put so much thought into this stuff! Their awesome.
      Thank you so much for commenting, Savannah!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS, MIKAYLA, THANK YOU FOR THIS. This was so so sweet of you. It was great!!! *hugs* You rock for doing this post. <3

    1. Micaiah! I have no idea how I didn't respond to this!! *Headesk*
      It was my pleasure! You totally rock for being your amazing self. I am so glad to have you a friend, and fellow book lover. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO AWESOME!


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