Tuesday, August 7, 2018

July Highlights

This month was one of the most hectic, crazy, and amazing months this year. I find it hard to put it all into words.

My siblings and I got into a board game called Pandemic and it has now been played dozens of times this month.

Well, this month I turned 19,  and my family threw me a great family party! My dad took me out to breakfest (best. breakfest. ever.), we had spagetti for lunch (My favorite. We have it almost every week, but I love it so much), and played games. We had s'mores, and just enjoyed hanging out. My sister and I took a late night walk and saw fireworks (We celabrated on the forth). Overall, pretty awesome day. =)

My siblings and I playing Pandemic

I edited my Sci-fi novel Flight from Kelar twice this month, sort of. Once I went through and marked it up with highlighters (Which was pretty awesome), and then the second time I was implenting all the notes. My family bought be sweet tea from Sonic on multaple occasions and helped fuel my work. I managed to get the whole thing done and I added six thousand words. I am pretty happy with how that turned out. =)

Rebekkah and I
I got a hang out with the most awesome mom in the universe. She took me out to Panera (a rare treat) and we got a library card. We found a new purity ring for me since I lost my old one. We packed so many things in, and finished it off by having fried tortillas (I can't spell their name, sorry) and getting honey all over our fingers. <3

I got to throw a surprise party for my sister! That was just about the best. =D

Three of our five cars broke. O.o (Yes, we have five. Nine people live here.) We've got one fixed and the other two being worked on! 

My sister and I entered the Illyon Cronicles contest. We had a blast making a costume and taking photos! We didn't end up placing, but it was really fun anyway! 

This was our entery into the contest

We said goodbye to our old couch Sang B&TB while polishing the floors 

I played ping pong with a little four year old girl named Rylee. She wanted to try it with a bouncey ball. We nearly demolished the room, but we had fun. Little hugs are the best. 

I tried my hand at making kolaches with my sister Rebekkah. They turned out really good. =D

My sister and I got to babysit the best kids for a night. I got to draw pictures for them, hide during hide and seek, listen to kid stories, read books, and tuck them in for the night. I used to think I didn't like kids, but I think my carrerr as a babysitter has proved me wrong. 

My favorite book was The Robe followed, but other then the Nancy Drew Diary book, I loved them all!

Cover Reveal Jaye L. Knight 
Moving on A Farm Girl's Life
3... 2... 1... Write A Storynerds Life
Right Isn't Easy A Purpose and a Promise
Get To Know Me Tag The Left-Handed Typest
The Great Summer TBR Sunshine and Scribblings 

Overall, it was a great month. I am ejoying a break from the stress of camp though. 


  1. Ah, The Robe is such a good book! I've read it a few times. :) Sounds like you had an exciting and eventful July, with lots of family time. That's always the best! xx

    1. It is! This was my first time reading it, but I loved it so much I'm going to have to re-read it soon!
      It was pretty awesome! Thank you!

  2. Mikayla you had a wonderful July. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Thank You for sharing your month of July. You sure had a busy month and so productive,too. God Bless you and yours.

    1. Thank you for stopping by! It was crazy, but awesome! God bless, Marilyn!

  4. I'm glad you had a good July! I've never heard of Pandemic, but it looks fun. ^_^

    1. Thanks! Oh, Pandemic is the best! It's a cooperative board game where you try to save the world from dying of an epidemic. =D It's really tense, but amazing. =D


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