Monday, April 7, 2014

Interview with Michaela

Hey everyone I've got an interview with Michaela over at Stepping Toward The Son!

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Hello and welcome to The Bubblegum Ballerina, I'm so glad you have you here!

Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

Hi, I'm Michaela *smiles and waves*. I am a child of the Almighty God and King, a reader, a blogger, a musician, a student, and a writer. I have a big family and our pets include two chickens. :)

How long have you been Blogging? 

I've been blogging since August 27, 2013.

Why did you begin Blogging? 

You're probably expecting me to say that I wanted to add another hobby to the already steep list; however, I kind-of wanted to have one because two of my other sister (one my younger sister) already had a blog, and it looked really fun so I was all like, "I really want to do this. I wonder what I could blog about. I wonder if my dad would say if I can." Anyway, I thought that the best thing to blog about would be God's truths found in Scripture with some other occasional posts about other things, too. So I asked my dad, and after a minute, he agreed. It was late at night, and after he told me yes and I told him thanks, I ran to my room, and honestly, I could have danced all night. I was so excited. LOL! :)

How did you choose your blog title? 

Well, I had recently bought a book called Stepping Heavenward, and I really liked the idea of a blog title that kind-of gave that same title. So I chose the name Stepping Toward the Son.

Whats your favorite blog?

My favorite blog has got to be Lianne Taimenlore. I love Kiri Liz and her blog - she's so sweet! :)

What are some of your hobbies? 

I love playing the guitar and singing with my sisters (we have a band); reading is a wonderful pastime as well; I love history class in school; and Pinterest is one of the greatest inventions the world has ever made. :)

What three words describe you best? 

Well, I always find these questions hard, but I asked my sisters, and they said that I'm: hilarious (actually they chose the terms goofy and silly, but hilarious means just the same thing), determined (they said obstinate, but determined sounds nicer), and dramatic (they said over-dramatic). LOL! XD

Whats your favorite book? 

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen - it's amazing.

Whats your favorite movie? 

My favorite movie... I love several: Tangled, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and a bunch of others that I simply cannot remember right now! :)

Whats your favorite TV series? 

Don't watch TV.

What is your favorite color? 


Whats your favorite animal?

Pandas - they are so cute!

Whats your favorite word?

Seriously? I don't know! (Maybe dessert!)

Which do you prefer, email or phones? 

Email - I do not like talking on the telephone. 

Do you have a Pintrest account?

Yup, and I love it!

If you could meet one person who would you meet? 

Um, I really don't know. 

Who is your favorite fictional character? 

This is so hard for me, since I love Anne of Green Gables, but I must say Elinor Dashwood of the novel Sense and Sensibility. :)

Thanks for giving up your time so we could get to know you!

*In a sing-song voice* Getting to know you, getting to know all about you... Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me... LOL! XD


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