Friday, February 15, 2019

Spring, Weeding, and No Good Ideas

For the last two weeks or so I've been trying to write a meaningful post. Something more than just slapping up poetry or highlight's posts. I've got tons of drafts in folders, and lots I just scrapped. The honest truth is, I don't feel very good at blogging right now.  

Spring is coming over Texas right now. I've been spending a lot of time outside, and today it hit 87. Today I spent most of the day raking leaves out of the garden out our living room windows (It's a big place). Tomorrow my sister and I are going to finish it off and start weeding out the beds. I used to hate weeding, but I kinda love it now. I like sticking on audio books and working away a couple hours. The only downside today was that I saw a spider approximately way huger then it should have been(I yelped kind of loud). That dampened my enthusiasm for a bit. ;)

I've taken the week off Instagram. That's been interesting. I don't miss it as much as I thought, but I've been sad not interacting with my friends on Instagram. 

I have sat so many days with my computer on my lap, wishing for some kind of determination to write. Blog posts, poetry, fiction, it wouldn't matter to me, I just want to write something good and words aren't seeming to come right now. 

So I've been reading a lot, weeding, and soaking up sunshine. This month has been utterly unproductive, but its been showing me some important things about slowing down. About not putting off important things. About learning to trust God with my problems. 

Yeah, so this post was completely random. Hopefully, I'll be struck by some amazing inspiration soon. Until then, the garden is going to look great. ;) 

How have you been? How's your month going?


  1. Mikayla we do not like spiders too. In fact Marion screams and forbids to get rid of them. Someone else has to do the job. Wow! 87 degrees. That is too hot. enjoy the weeding and have a good week end.
    Marilyn and Marion

    1. Yeah, I don't mind tiny spiders, but big ones really bug me. ;P I love the heat. Sadly, we got a cold front. =P Thank you so much!!

  2. Aw, it's hard when the words don't come, even though we so desperately want them to. But keep trusting! He makes everything beautiful in His time. xx

  3. I can sympathize with the "wanting to write something, but nothing comes" as blogging has been that way for me lately. And sometimes writing. Though I did get "Hymns in the Hills" finished finally!!
    It is good to take time to refocus on what you need to do instead of always rushing from one thing to the next. *frowns at self and makes note to follow own advice* But lots of reading and sunshine and weeding are great! :D

    1. Thanks. It's hard not feeling inspired, but I'm hoping to help it along soon. Yey!! I'm so glad you got it finished! =D
      Lol, thanks! Weeded and sunshine are great. Unfortunatly we just got a cold, rainy front. *Cries* So it's more like chores and cleaning, but it's still good. =)


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