Friday, July 3, 2015

Food For Thought #23

About another person who has influenced me.

Hey everyone, here I am, two days before my 16'th birthday and wow, am I excited. =D I hope you enjoy this post! 

I wanted to help out with my sister Rose’s play, so I joined the set design group. Now I was kind of on the ‘out’ group being considered a little too loud, but I really didn’t mind. I had a ball hanging out with a few kids my age, and helping out where I could in class. Now one this pledged me more than anything, and that was the fact that at age twelve, the teenagers still paid no attention to me. I tried to talk with one, whom I considered an amazing actor, and she told me to go away and called me a child. Now, let me tell you something about myself, as the youngest I have always struggled with people calling me a baby. I will not stand for it, after all, I’m 5’8, I doubt any baby could boast that fact. So, I’ve always been protective about being called childish. At twelve, when you really believe you’re finally growing up, it’s hard to be called a child. So, I decided that teenagers weren’t as nice and polite as I thought they were. (I had the mistaken thought that all teenagers were like my awesome siblings.) I was wrong though, not all of them were bad. While I was in this set design class I got to help make the big backdrops, which meant sewing large things of fabric. I was the youngest person there who could sew, but I really wanted to help, so I went to the girl who was doing it and asked if I could help. She said I could and I was thrilled beyond anything. Her name was Alyssa, and she was one of those teenagers, but she was sweeter than anyone else in that group. I helped her with the backdrops and later got to act in a play with her. Even though I was about eight years younger than her, she treated me like an intelligent, somewhat mature kid. I never remember her calling me a kid. She was always laughing. She is one of my heroes. Because when she let me help her, I needed to know I wasn’t just an annoying kid. 
Never underestimate the power of a simple kindness, Alyssa only let a kid help her sew a backdrop. Alyssa is still an inspiration to me for what a teenage should really act like. Accepting, helpful, and kind. 



  1. Cool post, Mikayla! Oh, and happy early birthday! :) Have you gotten my present I sent yet?? I will email you back soon!

    1. Aww, thank you so much Micaiah!! =D Yes, I got it yesterday. Its sitting in my filing drawer waiting for my birthday to be opened. =D Thank you!!!

  2. I love having people who influence me in a good, positive way. :)

    (P.S. NICE new [inserts whatever word you used for it, since I don't know what it's called]!!!! I LOVE the pics!!!)

    1. Yeah. =) I hope I'm like that someday. =)

      Its a banner. ;D Thank you so much, I spent a lot of yesterday making that. =) Its good to know you like it!! =D

  3. Happy early birthday!! :D Yes, it's always nice to meet those sort of people in your life, and we should try to become the person we want to meet. :)


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