Monday, November 28, 2016

Mini Waterfalls & Clear Waters

Okay guys, we went on the most amazing hike the other day. It was just a little trail in Austin Texas, with a path that was super narrow. The hill behind us blocked a lot of the light as we walked beside a creek. And I stopped about every five feet to take a photo. There was tons of hopping off the path to get more photos of the creek. I was so tempted to hop into the water because it was crystal clear. As you can see in the very last photo, there was also a canopy of trees and it made a entrance that looked so perfect, it was amazing. These photos don't do justice to the trail.  

On a completely different subject, I am sorry I've been rather inconsistent with my posting lately. Life has been so crazy. I'll give you guys some highlights from my month soon!

What is your favorite hike you've ever been on? 


  1. Ahhh hiking!!

    These pictures are beautiful!


    1. Yeah, it was awesome!

      Thank you so much! =D

  2. Wow, those are amazing pictures! I know how pictures don't do justice sometimes- it looks absolutely beautiful in there. =)

    1. Thank you so much! It really was beautiful there!
      Thank you so much for commenting!

  3. IT LOOKS PRETTY!!! Gosh, my favorite hike? It was in Hawaii on this muddy, shaded trail with huge trees overhead and a waterfall where we stopped and swam and climbed up and jumped off. It. was. beautiful. Month highlights = yes.

    1. Thank you! Wow, that sounds gorgeous! And absolutely awesome!
      I'll have to get them up soon! =)


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