Friday, September 22, 2017

Please Stay

I love you
Please stay
Please don’t leave me
I need you today
People say you don’t care
Until its to late
But they lied
I care
I love you
I need you
Please shut them out for a moment
Stop listening to the lies
Listen to God
Cause He loves you
I love you
I need you
Please stay 
Because the very thought of you leaving
Is enough for my heart to tremble
I need you today
I love you
Please stay


  1. So powerful - you have such a heart of encouragement and care; it's beautiful to see. Thanks for spreading this important message. xx

    Also, I don't think I've commented on your blog before, so hi! :D I'm enjoying browsing through your posts - keep up the good work!

    1. *Virtual hugs* Thank you so much, Jessica, for your encouragement! <3

      Hi! *wave* It's awesome to have you here!

      I am so glad you stopped by!


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