Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The 777 Writing Challenge

Deborah over at The Road of a Writer tagged me to do this challenge and it looked really fun, so I thought I'd give it a go! 

1. Open your WIP to the seventh page
2. Scroll past the seventh line
3. Copy the next seven paragraphs and paste them on your blog for THE WORLD to read
4. Tag seven people

Now I actually do not have any books I am writing right now (I'm editing) so I did this for two books I wrote last year. 

Andrea's Star
“I need you to trust me.” He said quickly. It seemed like it had been stored up inside so long it just burst out without him even trying.

I didn't respond. With mom, I knew what to say, with dad... it just ran too deep to say anything anymore. 

“Katie, I know I've hurt you...”

My heart skipped a beat as I gripped the arms of the chair “Don't call me that.” I hissed. I never wanted to hear that name again.

I fixed my gaze on my lap, but I heard my dad sigh.

“I want to be there for you.” His voice was gentle.

What I've Become
Jerold put his hand to his forehead and touched blood, no doubt from his run in with the rocks. He gritted his teeth, “Its nothing.”

“Clearly it is something.”

Jerold schooled his features as best he could and shrugged. Not wanting to talk any long, he turned and walked briskly around the building. Not responding to the older mans sigh from behind him.

The evening air bit at his bare hands as he pulled his cap low over his eyes, protecting him from the unwanted stair of strangers. He balled his fists and put them in his coat pockets.

He kept his gaze on the familiar sidewalks; he knew every inch of them from having walked with his head down so much.

Soon he came to the part he knew better than them all. Jerold lifted his head enough to unlatch the pealing gate. Paint chips came off onto his hand as he did.

 From the porch a girl, not much younger then himself, came flying down the path and threw herself into his arms. Her brown hair was tucked into a loose braid that fell all the way to her waist. 

Well, that was fun! If you want to do this tag, feel free to, and please link your post below so I can see it!


  1. Your snippets are so amazing!!!!
    I need to do this tag!

    1. Thank you!! =D It was really interesting only getting to share these lines. XD
      Ohh, I would love to see that! =D

  2. Fun tag! I might have to do this sometime!

  3. These snippets are really awesome! I could definitely feel the emotion! I love this tag so much!


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