This is my new keychain. |
Spring is finally here!! This is my favorite time of year. Here in Texas we are having our earliest bloom of Bluebonnets ever, so hopefully I will get you some pictures pretty soon here!
As the warm weather is setting in for good, its made it a perfect time to start jogging. Or coarse some of us *Cough* me *Cough* like to do something more along the lines of fast walking and calling it a day. My muscles practically died on me with what I did anyway. ;)
This week I kinda rediscovered Casting Crowns and I got to hear there song "Love You with the Truth." It was amazing, has anyone else heard it?
I love having friends. Not only is it generally awesome, but they have great ideas. You see that key chain in the first photo? Well it came in lime green and I was texting a friend telling her how much I disliked the color. And she was just like "Mikayla, why don't you just paint it?" I hadn't really thought of that. This is why I have friends to remind me of simple solutions. ;)
Have you had any simple solutions to things this week?
Whats your favorite Casting Crowns song?