Friday, December 1, 2017

To Their Standards

She cries in her room
Where she thinks no one see’s
Anguish wraps around her heart
As she pours it out to God 
“Everyone expects” she gasps out
“Me to be perfect
I never live up 
To their standards
I always mess up 
I always disappointment them
Couldn’t you please make them
Expect less off me?
Because I’m tired of trying
To live up to their ideals” 
And in that one moment 
As she pauses for a breath
Something whispers in her heart 
“Are you sure it’s them 
That expect you to be perfect?
If you’d look into your heart 
You’d see 
It’s you
And I love you 
Just the way you are 
That's all 
That really matters
So don't hold yourself
To their standards


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