Friday, November 9, 2018

Hot Button Convitions

I am friends with a lot of conservative Christians (mainly because I am one myself), and there is one thing that never fails to start an argument. It's one tiny little word, but if you drop it in the right circle, you could be looking at hours of debating. What's the word? Courtship.

This debate has been around longer then I have been alive. Christians everywhere have super strong opinions about courtship vs dating.

People fight about what is right until they're blue in the face. But you know what most of it boils down to? Trying to make everyone else believe what they believe.

We have this belief that we need people to agree with us. Some of that is out of concern for their future choices, but most of it is because we just can't believe we would be wrong.

You want to hear something comforting? You're not wrong. Whether you believe in courtship or dating you. are. not. wrong. If you have made your decision out of conviction of the Holy Spirit, then you're not wrong. Of course, I can't say that it will for sure be a good experience, but all it boils down to is what you feel convicted of.

I chose courtship, my best friend chose to date, both because we felt led by the Holy Spirit. (Though neither of us has yet to actually use our choice).

So courtship is a hot-button word right now. But why are we worried about other peoples convictions when we should be focusing on our own hearts?

I do not always agree with my friend's choices. I wouldn't make them myself. But I am praying God would give me grace that I might accept that He doesn't always call us to the same things.


  1. This. is. brilliant!! And it's right out of Romans 14 too!! Which is the answer to like, all our debates. :P I need to pray that last line. . . all the time.

    I've never been around one of these debates, but I've been around others like it, and this is true for pretty much everything we Christians fight about. (Which is a sad statement in itself that we fight about so much when we're supposed to be one... :( )

    1. Thank you!! Ohh, I love Romans! =D I do as well. <3

      Yeah, they happen for a lot of different things. It is. It's really sad to think of how much derision there is the in Christian community. =/


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