Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Undeserved Blessing

Me and Sarah at the zoo
Sarah holding a friends baby
Rebekkah, Sarah and I with squirl monkeys at the zoo

Sarah and I 
If I was forced to describe Sarah in one sentence I would be hard pressed to find the right words to encompass her personality. She's a giver: always giving her all to God, her family, and her passions.
Sometimes I am just struck by how amazingly blessed I am to have Sarah as my sister. We all need someone who will be by our side like her, unafraid to correct, but always ready to applaud. 
God could have given me any kind of sister, but He chose to give me one who stays up till midnight talking with me, who makes time for me when she really doesn't have it. Who will share her life with me, and listen to me ramble for hours. 

Recently Sarah took me to the zoo, and we had a blast, enjoying the two-hour trip there, the animals, and just hanging together. It wasn't a day that will go down in history as the best zoo visit ever, but it was amazing to me. And its a treasured memory of time I got to spend with my sister. 

Look for people in your life who will give up what they want for you. 

Somehow I just felt the need to share this with y'all. Drop me a note below about someone special in your life, and how they've blessed you! 

Today was supposed to be my October and September Highlights, but due to NaNo, you get this until next week.
Also, I have been asked repeatedly while wearing these shirts if I have been to NASA. The answer is no, I just am a big NASA fan, and so I got the t-shirt. ;D


  1. This was so sweet! Sisters are awesome (and so is your shirt ;). xx


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