Monday, May 14, 2018


I decided this evening that it had been to long since I did one of the 'currently' posts, so here we go! I tried to narrow down the list so it wasn't a monster to read, because apparently last time I decided that length was not a problem. ;P 


Reading... Grace and the Preacher by Kim Vogel Sawyer and Half-Blood by Jaye L Knight.

Watching... birds coming to our feeder. (Also I'm super excited because with my new zoom lens I can now do bird photography again!

Listening... to an Evermore cover by Josh Groben. I have not watched the new Beauty and the Beast, but my sister found this song and I love it!

Writing... book reviews and emails. They are never-ending. ;)

Trying... to finish a lot of work today so I can take off part of tomorrow guilt free.

Crafting... cards to send to friends. I'm not saying I'm any good at it, but I enjoy trying to come up with cute designs.

Doing... lot's of schedule re-working as different things come up and I don't meet self made deadlines. I'm trying to find a schedule that works well for me.

Luke and I on a walk. =)

Loving... my awesome family. (I mean, my mom made me a stuffed elephant, just because I talked about my imaginary pet elephant named Alfred. She even made him a bowtie like I described. I could go on with my serious examples of how my family is awesome, but we only have so much time here.)

Hating... procrastination.

Discovering... how much I had missed summer heat. I took a walk the other day to enjoy the 97° weather. (Pictured above)

Enjoying... how easy Survey Monkey is to use. (If you haven't filled out my blog survey, you can do that here. It would mean a lot to me.)

Feeling... tired. I got up early today. =P

Thinking... about my next editing project.

Hoping... that I can finish said editing project done in just a few days.

Considering... how I'm going to fit some reading into the schedule today.

Starting... to work on a couple reviews in earnest

Finishing... up some short projects so I can go make stuffed bell peppers.

What are you up to this week?


  1. Your dog looks so sweet!!! How old is Luke? Do you have any other dogs?

    1. Aww, thanks! He is a sweet dog. =) Luke is about nine years old. Nope, just Luke! He's pretty territorial, since he's our guard dog. =)
      What about you, do you have any dogs?

    2. I LOVE dogs! We have six dogs... :D My dog, Bella, is a Maltese. She is 16 years old, and she is definitely my baby! On my Winds of Faith page of my blog, I posted all of our dogs pictures if you want to stop by and see them!

    3. That's fun! Yeah, I saw the pictures, they look nice!


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