Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Writing Wednesday #6

In which I tell you how Camp NaNo is going, share an except from my book, and try to not bore you. 

Well, I've been bouncing back and forth all month between doing really well in Camp and way behind. Right now I'm doing well. So yeah, all that has made for an annoying mix of feelings. I just can't seem to steady myself out and get into a rhythm. =P 

See how weird it looks? 

Yesterday and today I was finally able to get on track and really get some writing done. So now I'm 60% through!

Honestly, its been really hard for me to get out that much. It may only be 6.000 words, but I have to force myself to go to the keybord. =P 

So, I'm going to share an unedited excerpt. I hope ya'll enjoy it. 

(That's the name of the book. =) 

          “Please wait outside while the council makes a decision about this, your highness.” The chairmen said.
I nodded, turned, and slowly walked up the old stone steps with a feeling of dread growing in my heart. Isabel had made a good case ageist me. I did not know how she had done it but, she had made false case against me. I turned slightly as I came to the last step and looked back at the councilmen. They would have to make a hard choice I knew. Most of them looked like they knew what there was decision was.
I turned back and the guard let me out of the room.
Isabel stood with a victorious look. “So, did you found out what you wanted?”     
“Yes.” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
We stood in silence. Me praying that the council would not take me from power. Isabel was not going to make a good ruler, my parents knew it and I knew it to.
“The council will see you now.” The guard said and this time Isabel came in with me this time.
The feel in the room was tense. The room was so silent that I could hear my satin slippers on the floor. My dress trailed on the stairs and with each step my heart stopped a moment, wondering what would happen. I got to the bottom and turned to face the council.
“After discussing it thoroughly,” the chairmen said, standing “we have come to the agreement that you are guilty and shall be banished from the throne for your crimes.”

What do ya'll think? 


  1. I like the excerpt! Best of luck with the rest of your novel :)

  2. Ooh. Thanks for sharing the expert! Banished? And didn't you say this was a comedy? Maybe that was someone else. But it's all so interesting...
    And, hey. You're doing awesome. You're still caught up, so congrats to you! *applauds*

    1. I was going to write a comedy but I had to change because I ran into a HUGE problem with the plot on the second day of camp and I'm going to have to spend a lot of time figuring it out so I switched to a Historical Novella. =)
      Thanks Katie! The encuargement means a lot to me!

  3. I made it to %75 done whoo! Over 22,000...for a total of 10,000 so far just this month! Whoo! Great job! Only 8,000 more for me... We can DO THIS!

  4. I wanted to read more! I love it when snippets make me want to keep reading.

    1. Thank you so much! It means a lot to me!

  5. Great job on catching up, Mikayla!!! I know that NaNo would be really tough to keep up with and just do in general. Maybe someday... :P :)

    Hmm...the excerpt was nicely done - you gave away a little bit of the story, but made still made me wonder... WHY is she a criminal!!!? ;)


    1. Thanks Micaiah!! =D I usually don't have this much trouble, but for some reason this month has just not been my month for writing. =/ I'm hoping to take off next month from any goals and just have free writing. =D

      Thank you! I was hoping to do that. =D To ansrew that you'll have to read the book, when its done. ;D


  6. AHHH!! Finish the book, I need to read it!! How can your writing be SO AWESOME?!? It astounds me. =D

    Oh, and I discovered a new word a couple days ago: insaeculasaeculorum. (in sek'ye-le-sek-ye-lor-em) It is Latin for "forever and ever."

    So Mikayla, I will love you insaeculasaeculorm. =) <3

    1. Haha, I'm hoping to finish it soon! =D Lol, its not that great. I just sit down, write, and thats what happens. ;D

      Awesome! I'm still not sure I can pronouce that, but its a cool word! ;D

      I love you to!!


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