Monday, June 1, 2015

My Life (In as many posts as it takes) #47

Hello! Happy June! Can you belive that we are almost halfway through this year? ALREADY???

It has been an interesting seven days. A week ago today there was a tornado watch in our area. Thankfully, even though one was sighted near us, none actually hit us! The only damage we suffered was a couple trees and fences down because of the floods. We're still a bit underwater because it keeps raining, but it's helped the water levels in the lakes a lot. =D 

Today I've got a place to share in my room that is constantly changing. That would be my bulletin board. Now this is one of those places that Rebekkah lets me rule, and doesn't mess with. And I'm very grateful because lists are important to me and I like to have them in order. =) 

You'll notice on the below photo that this also happens to double as my Retro/old stuff area. It also happens to be the top of our dresser. ;) 

This rather unrelated set of items is what I check eeverydayto make sure I didn't miss anything.

This is a book challenge I'm oing with a friend of mine. You read one book out of each category in the year. =D

Sorry, this is a very washed out photo of it, but this is a one month photoerphy challenge I found on Pintrest. =D

This are a lot of the books I need to right. To the left are the books to finish off a series, and to the right are the stand alone or not yet started series. =) 

A random record I found. =) 

My Magnifying glass and letter opener. =D

And if you turn around, this is where I'm going to put things I have acomplished this year. I only started it a few weeks ago, so it only has CampNaNo so far, but I hope to have it full soon. =D

Inspirational quotes are a must. =D

Do you use a bulletin board? 
Are you doing any challenges this month? 



  1. Thanks for sharing, Mikayla! Ooh, the reading challenge! ;) Wow! You've got a lot planned to write! :)

    I don't use a bulletin board (but maybe I would if I had one), and I'm also doing that reading challenge, but other than that one, I'm not doing any other challenges. :)


    1. Yeah, the reading challenge is a lot of fun. =D Yeah, that list will take me years to write. ;D

      Bulletin boards are awesome, there great for orginizing. =D Well, one challenge is enough to keep you busy. =)

      Thank you for taking the time to comment! =D

  2. I have a bulletion board! It's super awesome! :D haha, isn't it neat to have a certificate? ;) *GASP* I want that letter opener!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where did you get it!? So NEAT! ugh! I'm glad you safe, I heard about that.. :P

    1. Awesome! =D Bulliton boards are always fun. =) Yes, its great to have a certificate. I hope to have another one for July to. =D Are you going to do Camp in July? Thanks, I love my letter opener to. I got it at a thrift store. =)


    2. Sadly, I might not..I'm still working on editing my novella-and I haven't got a great idea yet. ;) That's super neat! :D

    3. Well, theres always November! =D I hope your editing goes very well! =D

  3. Yeah. Half way through the year. 0.0 OH MY GOODNESS.
    Ooh -- I like where you placed your NaNo certificate! I still haven't printed mine out (shame on me) but am planning to soon so I can add it to my collection. :D
    I'm not sure if you're interested or not, but I tagged you for the Liebster Award!

    1. Thanks! Its really just the side of my bookcase, but it was the purfect size for my certificate! =D That's okay, you can print it any time. =) Thank you so much! =D


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